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September 3, 2024 Rockingham County Board of Commissioners Meeting

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September 3, 2024 Rockingham County Board of Commissioners Meeting



2. INVOCATION – Pastor Christina B. Taylor, Woodmont United Methodist Church, Reidsville


4. RECOGNITION – Lance Metzler, County Manager
Recognition of Rockingham County for being presented the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners & Civic Federal Credit Union 2024 Excellence in Innovation Award recognizing the County’s efforts to provide needed dental services to children in Rockingham County Schools through Mobile Dental Expansion, which is administered by the Rockingham County Division of Public Health.

5. RECOGNITION – Lance Metzler, County Manager
Consideration of approval of The Order of the Long Leaf Pine to honor Keith Duncan for his career and stewardship towards helping the citizens or Rockingham County.

6. RECOGNITION – Lance Metzler, County Manager
Consideration of approval of Resolution honoring the life and service of William Leonard “W.L.” Pryor, Jr., Fonner County Commissioner and Distinguished Community Leader who passed away on July 7, 2024.


8. CONSENT AGENDA (Consent items as follows will be adopted with a single motion, second and vote. unless a request for removal from the Consent Agenda is heard from a Commissioner)

A) Mandy McGhee, Finance Director
1. Amend the Highway 220 Ordinance to transfer available ARPA Revenue Replacement funds to the General Fund to be used for Economic Development activities.

2. Increase DSS budget $170,183 for Special Children Adoption Incentive Funds received in June 2024 by the NC DHHS Division of Social Services. Funds arc restricted to be spent on Special Children Adoption program costs.

3. Amend FY 25 budget to rollover unexpected grant funds from FY 24 to FY 25. In addition, appropriate $43,711 in Contractor Sales Tax Revenue and interest earned of $526,457 on grant funds that were advanced.

B) Justin Thacker. Deputy Finance Director
1. Appropriate S5,968 for the addendum related to the WIC program for additional funds received by NCDHI-IS for the Public Health Department.

2. Amend the FY 24-25 budget $1,019,813 for the new software subscription Microsoft Office that meets the criteria of a recently implemented governmental accounting standard requiring certain software subscriptions to be capitalized as a Right to Use intangible asset and the corresponding liability to be reported.

3. Appropriate $8,203 of4-H Reserve Fund Balance to cover costs of the upcoming FY 24-25 summer camp participates to attend the 4-H Camp Congress. 4-H Reserve Fund Balance are 4-H fees earned in prior fiscal years and reserved for future 4·H program costs.

D) Todd Hurst, Tax Administrator
Request the approval of all refunds for August I. 2024 thru August 20, 2024. 

E) Susan O. Washburn. Clerk to the Board
Approval of Regular Meeting minutes for July 15, 2024.

F) Melissa Joyce, Fire Marshal
Request approval for appointment of Keith Soyars as the Huntsville Relief Fund Trustee on the Local Fire Fighter’s Relief Fund Board to replace Gary Fox who will be stepping down.

G) Lance Metzler. County Manager
1. Consideration of Appointment of Mandy McGhee Rockingham County Finance Director.

2. Consideration of appointment or Carye Dickerson as Rockingham County Department of Social Services Director.

H) Rodney Stewart, RCEMS Operations Supervisor
Requests the approval of submitted accounting reports of billing and collections activity for July 2024 and approval of accounts uncollected that are to be written off. Lists of accounts are maintained and available for inspection in the EMS office.

I) Derek Southern, Assistant County Manager
Request funding for the Division of Forestry to purchase an “Initial Attack Type 6 Engine Truck” in the 24/25 Fiscal Year. Purchasing during the 24/25 FY will allow the truck to be received during the 25/26 FY.


10. PRESENTATION: Ronnie Tate, Director of Engineering and Public Utilities
Request approval of utility capacity for Neal Place Subdivision (Newnam Road). DESCO Investment Co., Inc. is requesting capacity for Phase I of construction for 24,000 gpd of water and wastewater capacity. Phase I is 80 single family homes, 4 bedrooms each. Total subdivision homes are 222,80 SF 4 bedrooms. 57 SF 3 bedrooms (Phase 2), and 85 townhomes 3 bedrooms (Phase 3). Total utility capacity for the entire project is 55,950 gpd. Developer has complied with Section 28.1 of the County Water Policy and Sections 18, 18.1 & 18.2 of the County Sewer Policy.

11. PRESENTATION: Dr. John Stover, III, Superintendent and Erselle Young, Assistant Superintendent
Consideration of approval to use Restricted Sales Tax Funds in the amount of $57,500.00 plus tax to pay for the services of Cropper GIS Consulting, LLC who were approved on July 22, 2024 by the RCS Board of Education to provide demographic and school realignment planning services for the district.

12. OLD BUSINESS: Case 2024 – 12: Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) – A Request to rezone a (+/-) 4.42-acre parcel of land from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Neighborhood Commercial Conditional District (NC-CD) – Conditional Rezoning Applicant: Jaime Wall. Owner and Executor – Tax PIN: 7921-02-75-4770 – Location: 225 Farrar Store Rd., Stokesdale – New Bethel Township

The Board of County Commissioners first reviewed this request June 17, 2024 and conducted a public hearing. After closing the public hearing, they decided to postpone deliberation of this item to August.

The ordinance included with this agenda item is in draft form and may be amended after Commissioner’s review.



