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September 10, 2024 Reidsville City Council Meeting

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September 10, 2024 Reidsville City Council Meeting


1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation by the Reverend Marcus Fairley, Pastor of Zion Baptist Church, 807 Piedmont Street, Reidsville.

3. Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Approval of Consent Agenda.

(A) Approval of August 13, 2024 Regular Meeting Minutes.

(B) Approval of Nomination for 2024 Main Street Champion.

(C) Approval of Reimbursement to Elm Grove Baptist Church for Its Mailbox Replacement Due to Construction of the City’s Redundant Water Line Project.

– End of Consent Agenda –

5. Projects:

(A) Consideration of Industrial Reserve and Cost Sharing with Rockingham County and Corresponding Budget Ordinance Amendment. (Enclosure #1) – Montana Brown, Marketing & Economic Development Director

(B) Consideration of Change Order for Wastewater Treatment Plant’s Headworks Project and Corresponding Capital Project Ordinance Amendment. (Enclosure #2) – Josh Beck, Public Works Director

(C) Consideration of Resolution Requesting Statewide Contingency Funds for Improved Lighting at US-29 and Barnes Street Interchange. (Enclosure #3) – Josh Beck, Public Works Director

(D) Consideration of Water Treatment Plant Whole Plant Generator Project, including (Enclosure #4):

A. Consideration of Resolution Accepting A State Reserve Loan. – Chris Phillips, Assistant City Manager of Administration/Finance Director

B. Consideration of Resolution Accepting the ARPA Grant Funding. – Chris Phillips, Assistant City Manager of Administration/Finance Director

C. Consideration of Capital Project Ordinance Amendment. – Chris Phillips, Assistant City Manager of Administration/Finance Director

D. Consideration of Construction Bids and Tentative Award. – Josh Beck, Public Works Director

6. Personnel-Related:

(A) Consideration of RFQs for On Call Engineering Services. (Enclosure #5) – Josh Beck, Public Works Director

7. Public Comments.

8. Boards & Commission Appointments:

(A) September Appointments. (Enclosure #6)

9. City Manager’s Report:

(A) Month of September. (Enclosure #7)

10. Council Members’ Reports.

11. Announcement of Board & Commission Appointments.

12. Miscellaneous:

(A) For Information Only.

13. Adjourn.

