RPD Holds Press Conference To Announce An Arrest Has Been Made In The 1994 Cold Case Homicide Of Mr. Edward Ware

RPD Holds Press Conference To Announce An Arrest Has Been Made In The 1994 Cold Case Homicide Of Mr. Edward Ware

Reidsville Police Department News Release • August 2, 2023 • V. Carter

(Reidsville, NC) – August 2nd, 2023, Reidsville NC- Chief Ray Gibson held a press conference today at the Reidsville Police Department to inform the media and community of developments pertaining to the cold case homicide of Edward Ware. Mr. Edward Ware was brutally murdered in his Reidsville home on May 7th, 1994. This case has been investigated over the many years since then. Multiple investigators/agents have worked tirelessly to bring a suspect to justice. Mr. Ware’s case was assigned to Corporal Investigator J. Collins in February of this year after the retirement of Lt. S. Coates. Corporal Investigator Collins collaborated with SBI Agents to access new technology that may be available. Through the use of the new STRmix probabilistic genotyping software and a DNA sample from a suspect, Corporal Investigator Collins was able to obtain warrants for 1st degree Murder on Mr. Johnny Ware (nephew of the victim). Mr. Johnny Ware is currently being housed in a Georgia prison under conviction of an unrelated homicide. Chief Ray Gibson would like to thank the following for their hard work on this case:

  • Retired Reidsville PD Captain K. Hanks (deceased)
  • Retired SBI Agent M. Wilson
  • Retired Reidsville PD Lt S. Coates
  • Forensic Scientist III M. Wilson
  • Reidsville Police Department
  • SBI Agents
  • GBI Agents
  • NC State Lab

Josh Stein, Attorney General Press Release • August 2, 2023 • A. Nazeen

Attorney General Josh Stein Statement on Reidsville Police Department Arrest

(RALEIGH) Attorney General Josh Stein today released the following statement as the Reidsville Police Department announced an arrest in the 1994 cold case murder of Edward Ware. The State Crime Lab re-tested evidence earlier this year that helped law enforcement officers identify the alleged offender.

“I want to congratulate the Reidsville Police Department and Police Chief Gibson, the State Crime Lab, and the State Bureau of Investigation on this arrest, which was nearly 30 years in the making. It’s the commitment and dedication of these law enforcement officers and scientists to work this case over the years that we’re finally about to move this cold case forward in pursuit of justice for Edward Ware.

“With partnership, persistence, and the power of DNA, we can send powerful messages. To the victims of these crimes and their families – we say that we take these crimes seriously and we will not stop seeking justice for you. To the public – we say that we will do whatever we can to keep you safe. And to the murderers and rapists – we say, very clearly, that no matter how long ago you committed your crime, we will never stop coming for you.”


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