Executive Director Discretionary Grants are also included in this report
• Dan River Basin Association. Outdoor Recreation Plan Phase II
Phase II is a continuation of DRBA’s RC Outdoor Recreation Master Plan Management in partnership with municipalities and stakeholders to initiate funding acquisition and project implementation, environmental education programming, and community engagement in outdoor spaces.
• New Reidsville Housing Authority. NorthStar Children’s Initiative
The initiative is dedicated to supporting children and families by assessing barriers, empowering families to achieve success, and fostering a brighter future. They connect families with resources and programs, prioritizing regular school attendance, boosting academic performance, and ensuring a graduation plan.
• Cone Health. School-based Telehealth
The project will add telehealth services to a second Rockingham County Schools Title I elementary school. A key objective is overcoming the barriers to accessing health care by building upon the current network of community healthcare providers, school-based healthcare providers and school nurses.
• UNC Rockingham Health. “Safe Space” Courtyard Project
The “Safe Space” Courtyard provides patients under involuntary commitment orders (IVC) orders the opportunity to receive the healing benefits of being outside, and to help them feel hopeful and less restricted to a small, supervised hospital care room. The UNC Health Rockingham Foundation also awarded a $40,000 grant for all staff to receive CPI nonviolent crisis intervention training.
• Rockingham County Education Foundation. General Operating Funds
The Rockingham County Education Foundation has been a staple in the education sector since its inception in 2008, leading the effort to ensure RCS high school students had the opportunity to partner with the Carolina College Advising Corps. RCEF actively engages in collaborative discussions with community stakeholders, educators, and parents to identify gaps in services and resources.
• Starting Point Rural Harm Reduction. Capacity Strengthening Funds
SPRHR received capacity strengthening support for tools and trainings needed to meet their mission of harm reduction and stigma through advocacy, outreach, empowerment, and the provision of direct and evidence-based services to individuals impacted by drug use, overdose(s), sex work, incarceration, and HIV/HCV.
• Town of Mayodan. Garfield Park
The Green Space Renewal for Garfield Park project will create a safe, engaging, and inclusive playground for children in one of Mayodan’s historic Black neighborhoods and enhance the park’s natural environment with community tree planting.
• Piedmont Land Conservancy. Chainsaw Certification
The Piedmont Legacy Trails project will provide chainsaw safety certification for 24 trail volunteers. In the event of a hurricane, storm, or heavy winds, we will be able to clear the trails and provide quick and safe access. This course is essential to properly functioning trails.
To Learn More About the Reidsville Area Foundtion, Visit Their Website @ https://www.rafoundation.org/