PUBLIC NOTICE – Proposed Franchise Agreement for Landfill Operations and Management

PUBLIC NOTICE – Proposed Franchise Agreement for Landfill Operations and Management


Rockingham County will conduct a Public Hearing and public reading on April 15, 2024, at/or around 6:30 pm EST and a second Public Hearing and public reading on May 6, 2024, at/or around 6:30 pm EST, for public comment on the proposed Franchise Agreement for Landfill Operations and Management Between Wall Recycling LLC and Rockingham County. The Franchise Agreement and other documents can be viewed by the public Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm at the Rockingham County Governmental Center, Engineering and Public Utilities Office, Suite 200. They can also be viewed at all Public Libraries in Rockingham County during normal business hours.

Description of Landfill Facility Plan: The Rockingham County Landfill (“Landfill”) facility is located on S.R. 226 (Shuff Road) (Parcel No. 130116) approximately 5 miles east of Madison, North Carolina. The Landfill facility lies on a property totaling approximately 230 acres, as further described in Deed Book 898, Page 1990 and depicted in Plat Book 30, Page 88. The Landfill facility consists of closed pre-Subtitle D landfill (NC Permit No. 7901-MSWLF- 1979) and an active Subtitle D municipal solid waste (“MSW”) landfill (NC Permit No. 7904-MSWLF-1995). The active portion of the Landfill consists of 82 acres approved lined capacity for phased development. The existing waste disposal unit consists of partially closed Phases 1-3 (37.5 acres) and the active Phase 4 (11 acres). The approximately 32 acres of remaining permitted disposal area has been designated for future phases and expansions. The approved gross capacity of the Landfill for the life of site is approximately 8,900,000 cubic yards. Future development planning and schedules are described in the Landfill’s current, revised Facility Plan. In addition to disposing of solid waste in approved Landfill cells, various waste recovery and processing activities are performed at the facility, including temporary storage of wood waste, collection of recyclable materials, and collection of scrap tires and white goods for off-site recycling or disposal. The Landfill facility also includes a scale house, maintenance building, and convenience center. Access to the Landfill facility is controlled through a single access road with a secure gate to prevent unauthorized access. The active portion of the landfill includes a liner system, leachate collection, and environmental monitoring system as required by state and federal rules and regulations. The Operations Plan contained in the facility’s operating record describes the existing conditions, cell progression, waste placement and daily operations, leachate management, special waste management, buffer zones and soil borrow procedures.

Copies of the Landfill’s Facility and Operation Plans will be available for public review as indicated above.

Population to be Served: Wall Recycling will be authorized to receive permitted waste generated within the County’s boundaries, unless and until the County’s Board of Commissioners approves an expanded service territory.

Volume and Characteristics of the Waste Stream: The projected disposal rate for the life-of-site of the landfill is approximately 152,350 tons per year, or 550 tons/day based on 277 working days per year.

Projected Useful Life of the Landfill: 25 years

Government Oversight and Regulation of Fees: The setting of rates and fees at the Landfill will be governed by the Landfill Operation and Management Agreement. The Rockingham County Department of Engineering and Public Utilities, acting in the normal course of business, shall oversee compliance with the franchise and the terms of the Landfill Operation and Management Agreement. The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, pursuant to its rules, policies, and schedules, shall oversee compliance with the landfill’s permits and applicable regulatory requirements.


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