October 10, 2023 Reidsville City Council Meeting

October 10, 2023 Reidsville City Council Meeting

October 10, 2023 Reidsville City Council Meeting


1. Call to Order

2. Invocation by Reverend James Tharrington, Pastor of Evangel Fellowship Church, 717 W. Harrison Street, Reidsville

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Proclamations & Recognitions:

(A) Recognition of Fire PRevention Week October 8-14, 2023

(B) Recognition of October as National Community Planning Month

5. Approval of Minutes:

(A) Approval of September 12, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes

6: Public Hearings:

(A) Consideration of an Applicationto Rezone Property at 226 Woodrow Street, specifically Rockingham County Tax Parcel #149989, from General Business (GB) To Residential-6 (R-6). Maryanne Chiriboga, the property owner, submitted the application. (Z 2023-01)

7: Presentation:

(A) City of Reidsville’s Certification as a Family Forward Employer

8. Ordinances:

(A) Consideration of Various Amendments to Chapter 10, Municipal Utilities and Services, of the City’s Code of Ordinances related to Refuse Collection, Large Trash Pickup and Industrial Waste and the Addition of a New Section Dealing with the Sale of Compost.

(b) Consideration of Amendment to Chapter 16, Streets and Sidewalks, to Add Section 16-11, Right-Of-Way Maintenance to the City’s Code of Ordinances.

(C) Consideration of an Admendment to Section 3-27 Animal Control Officer’s Authority to Order Vicious Animals Which Endanger Public to be Confined, Destroyed, of the City’s Code of Odinances.

9. Property:

(A) Consideration of Acquisition of Property at 330 Irvin Street, Reidsville and Replated Budget Ordinance Amendment

10. Board & Commission Appointments:

(A) October Appointment

11. Public Comments

12. City Manager’s Report:

(a) Month of October

13. Council Members’ Reports

14. Announcement of Board and Commission Appointments

15. Miscellaneous:

(A) For Information Only

16. Move to the First-Floor Conference Room for a closed session to discuss economic development and real estate pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(4)&(5)

17. Adjourn


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