October 10, 2022 Rockingham County Planning Board Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes
a. August 8, 2022
b. September 12, 2022
V. Review of Quasi-Judicial Procedures
VI. Matters before the Board of Adjustment
a. Appeal 2022-18 Hyatt: An Appeal has been filed regarding the property denoted by Tax PIN 7941-00-49-5944, located at 741 and 743 Hudson Rd, Summerfield NC 27358 in the New Bethel Township. Appeal by owner located at 761 Hudson Rd, Summerfield NC 27358 in the New Bethel Township.
VII. Convene Planning Board – Review of Procedures for Legislative Matters
VIII. Matters Before the Planning Board
a. Rezoning Request 2022-21 Morris: A rezoning request has been made for four parcels of land denoted by Tax PINs 8913-00-44-0440, 8913-00-44-1201, 8913-00-44-2270 and 8913-00-43-2946 located at the corner of NC Highway 87 & Holiday Loop, Reidsville, NC in the Reidsville Township. The request is to rezone the properties from Residential Protected (RP) to Highway Commercial (HC).
b. Rezoning Request 2022-22 Mitchell: A rezoning request has been made for the property denoted by Tax PIN 8901-00-94-3529, located at 8580 Friendship Church Road in the Williamsburg Township. The request is to rezone the property from Residential Protected (RP) to Residential Agricultural (RA).
IX. Other Business:
a. New Business: New Members
b. Old Business: None
X. Adjourn