October 10, 2022 Rockingham County Board Of Education

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October 10, 2022 Rockingham County Board Of Education


1. Call to Order

1.01 Roll Call

2. Announcements

2.01 The Work Session is scheduled at 12:00 Noon for Monday, October 24, 2022 at South End Elementary School Gymnasium located at 1307 South Park Drive, Reidsville, NC

2.02 The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 14, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at Central Administrative Offices at 511 Harrington Highway, Eden, NC

3. Moment of Prayer

3.01 Pastor Jaret McBryde from New Lebanon Church, Reidsville, North Carolina

4. Pledge of Allegiance / Agenda Approval / Recognitions

4.01 Pledge of Allegiance

4.02 Approval of Agenda

4.03 Recognitions: Teacher Leader Academy Cohort (15 Teachers); DPI Outstanding Math Teachers Named: Kelsey Heiney from Wentworth Elementary and Ramona Bankston from Early College; Outstanding History Teacher Named by N.C. Historical Society is Valencia Abbott from Early College

5. Public Comments / Board Comments

5.01 Public Comments – At this time the board will hear public comments

5.02 Board Comments

6. Consent Agenda

6.01 Consent Approval – Gifts, Grants and Donations – Ms. Annie Ellis

6.02 Consent Approval – Head Start Program Monthly Update – Ms. Annie Ellis

6.03 Consent Approval – Adoption of Board Policies and Policies on First Reading – Dr. Cindy Corcoran

6.04 Consent Approval – RCHS Fundraiser – Sale of Gym Floor Pieces – Ms. Erselle Young

6.05 Consent Approval – Permission to Ask County Commissioners to Transfer Leftover Funds from Old Bethany Roof Project – Ms. Erselle Young

6.06 Consent Approval – Meeting Minutes for Board Approval – Open Session Board Minutes September 12, 2022; Open Session Special Called Meeting for Attorney Interviews September 15, 2022 and Open Session Work Session Minutes for September 26, 2022 as presented.

7. Action Items

7.01 Approval – 2022-2023 Annual Budget Resolution – Ms. Annie Ellis

7.02 Approval – CTE: District C Student Teamship Funds – Dr. Charles Perkins

7.03 Superintendent’s Report – Mr. John Stover

7.04 Board Chair Announcements – Ms. Kimberly McMichael, Board Chair

8. Closed Session

9. Open Session

9.01 Personnel Report – Approval of Personnel Actions

10. Adjournment

10.01 Motion to adjourn
