William Lee Wright Jr. Born May 10, 1995 better known as(Buddyman) went to be with his lord and savior Jesus Christ April 30, 2023. William was 27yrs old.

He is survived by his Sister Kristin Leigh Wright, and her fiancé, Justin Hackett a nephew Owen Floyd all of Whitsett NC. His mother Gina Smith and Toby Smith of Madison, his father William Wright sr. of Greensboro, a stepbrother and two stepsisters and a niece and nephew; His (paw paw) Bruce Watts better known as his Pop Corn.

He is preceded in death with his brother who is his best friend Camryn Christopher Wright, both of his grandmothers Glennys Fulton and Alice Wright; one grandfather Edward Wright. Sr.; and an uncle, Edward Wright

William loved music and playing his guitar. He loved to be the life of the party. He was fun to be around, always smiling, laughing, making others smile, he was smart, caring, giving and loved children and animals. He was the sweetest most caring son anyone could love or ask for. This hurts very deeply he will be missed but never forgotten, he has touched so many people in his short life. In my heart and on my mind forever wanting to see your face until we meet again my sweet precious buddyman, mom loves you.

William will always be remembered by his magnetic personality. How children and animals loved him and how great he was with children and animals and anyone he came in contact with.

Ray Funeral Home
