NCHSAA 2A State Title Game: East Duplin vs. Reidsville

NCHSAA 2A State Title Game: East Duplin vs. Reidsville

The Reidsville Rams vs the East Duplin Panthers, at Kenan Stadium on the campus of UNC Chapel Hill.

(This is the AUDIO version of the Game of the week as Video Rights to the State Championship game are owned by Sincair Broadcasting and therefore Rockingham Update was only granted AUDIO rights)

It’s the Rockingham Update Game of the Week!

Presented by:

Cone Health’s Annie Penn Hospital

That Little Pork Shop in Eden

Car Needs of Reidsville

Hospice of Rockingham County

Reidsville Chamber of Commerce

The City of Reidsville

Touchdown Sponsor: Pennrose Car Wash/Kooler Ice


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