May 21, 2024 Eden City Council Meeting

May 21, 2024 Eden City Council Meeting

May 21, 2024 Eden City Council Meeting


1. Meeting called to order by: Neville Hall, Mayor

2. Invocation: Pastor Joel Clark, New Saint Paul Baptist Church

3. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Audrey Cohen, sixth grader at Holmes Middle School, and Karragan Utter, first grader at Central Elementary School

4. Proclamations and Recognitions:

a. Proclamation: Older Americans Month

b. Proclamation: Public Works Week

5. Roll Call

6. Set Meeting Agenda

7. Public Hearings:

8. Requests and Petitions of Citizens

9. Unfinished Business

10. New Business

a. Presentation of Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget Message and Budget Ordinance; consideration to call a public hearing for adoption of the Budget Ordinance. Jon Mendenhall, City Manager

b. Consideration to adopt an ordinance for the demolition of a residential structure at 522 Greenwood Street under Article 9, Building Maintenance Standards of the City’s Unified Development Ordinance. Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director

c. Approval and adoption of a resolution approving the real property conveyance to the Draper Volunteer Fire Department. Erin Gilley, City Attorney

11. Reports from Staff:

a. City Manager’s Report. Jon Mendenhall, City Manager

12. Consent Agenda:

a. Approval and adoption of the April 16 regular meeting minutes. Deanna Hunt, City Clerk

b. Approval and adoption of a resolution to accept a State Grant from the General Assembly. Terry Shelton, Special Projects Manager

c. Approval of a pyrotechnics permit for Morehead High School’s graduation. Chris White, Fire Chief

d. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #11. Tammie McMichael, Finance and Personnel Director

e. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #12. Tammie McMichael, Finance and Personnel Director

f. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #13. Tammie McMichael, Finance and Personnel Director

g. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #14. Tammie McMichael, Finance and Personnel Director

h. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #15. Tammie McMichael, Finance and Personnel Director

i. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #16. Tammie McMichael, Finance and Personnel Director

13. Announcements

14. Adjournment



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