May 10, 2022 Special Called Meeting Of The Rockingham County Board Of Education

May 10, 2022 Special Called Meeting Of The Rockingham County Board Of Education

May 10, 2022 Special Called Meeting Of The Rockingham County Board Of Education

(Wentworth, NC) – Video of the Special Called Meeting of the Rockingham County Board of Education. The meeting was held at the Rockingham County Center for Economic Development, Small Business & Tourism in Wentworth, NC.



The Rockingham County Board of Education is excited to announce the selection and election of Mr. John O. Stover III (Shawn) as the next superintendent of the Rockingham County Schools (RCS). Mr. Stover will take office on July 1, 2022.

During the search process, the board carefully reviewed applications from a diverse field of seventeen excellent candidates from eleven different states and territories. Although many qualified candidates applied, the board felt that Mr. Stover’s experience, leadership, and dedication to students and staff would best serve RCS students, employees, and the community for years to come. The board is confident Mr. Stover will lead the school system to even higher achievement.

Mr. Stover has enjoyed a long and very successful career in public education spanning more than thirty years in North Carolina and other settings across the nation. He currently serves as the instructional superintendent of the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS), where he has also worked as chief of secondary schools. Over the last nine years, Mr. Stover has played a pivotal role in helping DCPS become the fastest improving urban district in the country.

Prior to joining DCPS, Mr. Stover spent a total of three years as superintendent and managing director of Uplift Education’s charter school district in Dallas, Texas. In addition, he previously served as a senior managing director for Teach for America (2007-2010) and a principal and assistant principal for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (2005-2007), Alamance-Burlington School System (2003-2005), Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (1999-2003), and Roanoke Rapids Graded School District (1997-1999). Mr. Stover began his career in 1990 as a teacher in the Hertford County Schools, where he taught elementary school as well as high school students in an alternative setting. In 1994 he was recognized as the Teacher of the Year for the district.

Mr. Stover has an impressive academic background as well. He received his bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He went on to earn a master’s degree in school administration from East Carolina University. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in leadership and organizational innovation from Marymount University.

Mr. Stover is grateful for the opportunity to lead the district, and he and his wife, Lisa, look forward to becoming part of the community. Mr. Stover is excited about his new role, and he issued the following statement about accepting the position:

“I am excited to partner with the school board, parents, and the community to build upon the work our dedicated teachers, administrators, and staff have done to create a school system that empowers each child to be a life-long learner, equipped to contribute in a changing, complex society.”

Please join the board in congratulating and welcoming Mr. Shawn Stover as the new superintendent of the Rockingham County Schools.

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