March 4, 2024 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting

March 4, 2024 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting

March 4, 2024 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting






5 CONSENT AGENDA (Consent items as follows will be adopted with a single motion, second and vote, unless a request for removal from the Consent Agenda is heard from a Commissioner)

A) Pat Galloway, Finance Director

1. Approval- Appropriate $500,000 grant awarded through NC Session Law 2023134 to Stokesdale Fire Department ($250,000) and Draper Fire Department ($250,000). The grant was awarded to Rockingham County as the pass-through agency to the Fire Departments.
Stokesdale Fire Department plans to apply their grant funds toward the construction of a satellite station. Draper Fire Department plans to apply their grant funds toward an expansion of the existing Fire Station.

2. Approval – Sub-recipient Agreements with Draper Volunteer Fire Department and Stokesdale Fire District, Inc. that are required for grants awarded to the fire departments through the NC Current Operations Appropriations Acl, Session Law 2023-134. The County is the recipient of the grants and must pass the grants along to the departments with the requirements addressed in these agreements.
Authorize the County Manager to sign these agreements and to approve any future Sub-recipient Agreements.

3. Approval- Amend the FY 23-24 Sheriff Department budget $41,889 for software subscriptions that meet the criteria of a recently implemented governmental accounting standard requiring certain software subscriptions to be capitalized as a Right to Use intangible asset and the corresponding liability to be reported.
Sur-Tee Casper GPS Tracking System – $15,173
Leads Online Cellhawk $26,716
The FY 23-24 annual subscription payments are included in the current budget.

4. Approval – Audit Contract with Thompson, Price, Scott, Adams & Co. P.A. for the required independent financial audit of Rockingham County and Rockingham County Tourism Development Authority (TDA), a discretely presented component unit of Rockingham County, for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2024.
Contract amounts are: $51,750 for the County audit, an increase of $1 ,250 over FY 23
$2,750 for the TDA audit, an increase of$125 over FY 23

B) Todd Hurst, Tax Administrator
Approval- Refunds for February 7,2024 thru February 20, 2024

C) Rodney Stewart, RCEMS Operations Supervisor
Approval- Accounting reports of billing and collections activity for January 2024 and approval of accounts uncollected that are to be written off.

D) Susan O. Washburn, Clerk to the Board
Approval – Regular meeting minutes for February 19,2024.

E) Cathy Murray, Program Manager and Felissa Ferrell, Director Rockingham DHHS
Approval – Proclamation Declaring March as Social Worker Month

F) Leigh Cockram, Director of Rockingham County Center for Economic
Development, Small Business & Tourism

1. Approval – Resolution approving to submit a formal application with the NC Department of Commerce’s Rural Division Building Reuse grant program to benefit “Project Red Drum” an investment of local incentive monies in the amount of 5% or $25,000 for the grant amount of $500,000 toward the proposed renovations as committed to in the application.

2. Approval – Resolution approving to submit a formal application with the NC Department of Commerce’s Rural Division Building Reuse grant program to benefit “Project DL” an investment of local incentive monies in the amount of 5% or $25,000 for the grant amount of $500,000 toward the proposed renovations as committed to in the application.

G) Melissa Joyce, Fire Marshal
Approval – Appointments for Fire Commissioner:

Stoneville Volunteer Fire Department – Steve Holcomb to replace the late Roy Holcomb

Draper Volunteer Fire Department – Jonathan Porter to replace the late Johnny Porter

H) Stephanie Kingston, Director of Human Resources
Approval – Per evaluation, increase Clerk to the Board salary 5%; increase County Manager salary 6.5% and County Attorney 6%.

I) Ronnie Tate, Director of Engineering and Public Utilities
1. Approval- Change Order for the US 220 Force Main Project. Due to the amount of underground utilities. The Change Order is for $63,000 and will come out of the project Contingency Fund.

2. Approval- Replacement of the Governmental Center and Veterans/Family Services Chiller units. Both units are in the Capital Replacement Plan and CIP Plan for replacement. American Industrial was low bidder. Total project budget of $462,550.00.

J) Clyde Albright, County Attorney
Approval – Accept offer to purchase the Horse Park Property from Rockingham County for 1.1 million dollars and authorize County Manager Lance Metzler to sign all related documents on behalf of the County.


7. Wright Archer, III, and Mike Fox, NCDOT
Introduction of Resident Engineer, Jeremy Delapp and NCDOT Project updates.





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