March 3, 2025 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting

March 3, 2025 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting

March 3, 2025 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting


1 . Meeting Called to Order by Chairman Berger
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Recognition
5. Approval of the March 3, 2025 Agenda
6. Consent Agenda
Consent items as follows will be adopted with a single motion, second and vote, unless a request for removal from the Consent Agenda is heard from a Commissioner

A. Lynn Cochran
Consideration of approval to appoint Adam Barr as a Plat Review Officer for Rockingham County.

B. Melissa Joyce, Fire Marshal
Consideration of appointment of the Fire Department Fire Commissioners for Casville Fire Department and Stokes-Rockingham Fire Department for the calendar year 2025.

C.  Captain Jennifer Brown
1.  Request change in Master Fee Schedule because effective May 1, 2025 Permitium will increase the Service Fee per Transaction for Concealed Handgun Permits from $5.00 to $5.25.  Permitium is the software the Sheriff’s Office uses to process concealed handgun permits for online and walk in customers.  The price adjustment supports Permitium’s costs and development work to make improvements for applicants.
2.  Request approval for Deputy Donald Searcy retired effective January 1, 2025 from the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office with 30 years of service.  He is requesting to purchase his duty weapon for $1.00 per County Policy and NCGS 17F-20.

D. Trey Wright, Health Director
Request approval of the appointment of the Child Fatality Prevention Team for Maryjane Webb with Help, Inc.  Her term will begin March 14, 2025 until March 13, 2029.

E. Justin Thacker, Deputy Finance Director
1.  Increase Fire District Special Revenue Fund budget $66,000 for current year fire district taxes collected over budget.  These two fire districts request that all funds collected be remitted to them during the year of collection.  
Draper – $30,000
Leaksville – $35,000
Additionally, appropriate $1,000 in Pelham Fire District revenue collections for previous tax years.  This will allow us to remit collections to the district and cover the motor vehicle fees incurred for the district.

2.  Increase Fire District Special Revenue Fund $9,250.  Motor Vehicle tax collections are trending higher than estimated in the FY 2025 original budget which is causing an increase in NCVTS collection fees.  The amendment is needed to cover the increase in collection fee expense line items.  The increase is funded by the increase in motor vehicle tax revenue.

3.  Appropriate $11,000 of available fund balance in the 125 Employee Plan Internal Service Fund to cover estimated expenditures through fiscal year end.  This fund collects and remits the employee elected dependent care and medical reimbursement deductions.

4.  Increase Health Insurance fund $1,000,000 to cover estimated expenditures through June 30, 2025.  Claims costs are trending higher than estimated in the current budget.  Currently, claims are 27.7% higher through January 2025 in comparison to the same time last fiscal year.  Rx Rebates and Interest Earnings are projected higher based on actual activity to date.  Additionally, there are additional revenues from stop/loss insurance coverage that will further help cover the additional costs for the claims in excess of stop/loss coverage.

5.  Amend the FY 24-25 Information Technology budget $15,936 for new software subscriptions that meet the criteria of a recently implemented governmental accounting standard requiring certain software subscriptions to be capitalized as a Right to Use intangible asset and the corresponding liability to be reported.  SHI-Microsoft Office Win Server CAL SLng SA UCAL 650 Licenses $15,936.

6.  Amend the FY 24-25 Information Technology budget $29,030 for new software subscriptions that meet the criteria of a recently implemented governmental accounting standard requiring certain software subscriptions to be capitalized as a Right to Use intangible asset and the corresponding liability to be reported.  SHI-Microsoft Office Exchange Online P2 GCC Sub Per User 150 Licenses $29,030.

F. Mandy McGhee, Finance Director
1.  Increase Public Health budget by $11,641 for grant funds received from North Carolina Division of Health (DPH).  This funding supports core infrastructure improvements that include, but not limited to workforce, foundational capabilities, and data infrastructure.

2.  Increase Information Technology Services (ITS) budget by $200,000 for the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) grant award.  The grant will assist in the cost of developing and maintaining a comprehensive Cybersecurity preparedness program that meet the SLCGP objectives as identified in the Department of Homeland Security Notice of Funding Opportunity.

3.  Appropriate $65,957 in available fund balance to cover cost of two new stretchers.  (Purchasing the stretchers now will provide an estimated savings of $22,000 based upon price increases that will occur in March.  See email included for additional justification).

G. Susie Edwards, Program Manager and Carye Dickerson, Director Rockingham DSS
Consider approval of Proclamation declaring March Social Worker Appreciation Month.

H. Todd Hurst, Tax Administrator
Request the approval of all refunds for February 3, 2025 thru February 19, 2025.

I. Susan Washburn, Clerk to the Board
Consider approval of regular meeting minutes for January 6, 2025.

J. Rodney Stewart, RCEMS Operations Supervisor
Request approval of the accounting reports of billing and collections activity for January 2025 and approval of accounts uncollected that are to be written off.  Lists of accounts are maintained and available for inspection in the EMS Office.

k. Lance Metzler, County Manager and Derek Southern, Assistant County Manager
Update pay plan.  The pay plan was adjusted from the pay plan approved at the 1/6/2025 meeting.  Any typos or edits have been corrected.  A budget amendment is included from the salary adjustments presented and approved at the 1/6/2025 meeting.  This money was approved in the FY 25 budget.  This is just amendment to allocate the money to each department, remaining funds unused will be moved to the fund balance at the end of the year. 

7. Public Hearings
A. Lynn Cochran, Planning Consultant
Case 2025-02:  Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) – Request for rezoning a parcel of land from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Highway Commercial (HC) – Conventional (General Use) Rezoning – Applicant:  Hall Rental Co. LLC – Tax PIN:  7985-04-53-3927 – 7684 NC Highway 87 – Wentworth Township.


B. Mandy McGhee, Finance Director
Pursuant to NCGS 160A-20, hold a public hearing regarding the County’s intent to enter into an installment financing contract in the principal amount currently expected not to exceed $12,184,000 which will be used to finance the design, construction, and equipping of roofing projects and HVAC replacement in various schools within Rockingham County Schools System.  Requesting approval to adopt Resolution authorizing the filing of an application for approval of an installment financing contract authorized by NCGS 160A-20 and making certain findings required by NCGS 159-151.

8. Public Comment
9. New Business
10. Commissioner Comments
11. Closed Session
Pursuant to: 
NCGS 143-318.11(a)(1) – Approve Closed Session Minutes
NCGS 143-318.11(a)(3) – Consult with Attorney regarding the claims made in the Rockingham County v. NTE Carolinas II, LLC, NC Business Court; 23-CVS-1504. 
NCGS 143-318.11(a)(6) – Discuss Personnel 

12. Adjourn
