March 14, 2023 Reidsville City Council Meeting

March 14, 2023 Reidsville City Council Meeting

March 14, 2023 Reidsville City Council Meeting


1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation by Associate Minister Rosetta Badgett of Jerusalem United Holy Church, 633 Prince William Street, Reidsville.

3. Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Recognitions & Resolutions:

(A) Recognition of Fire Captain Seth Durham and B-Shift in saving an elderly occupant with limited mobility during a January 18, 2023 house fire.

(B) Resolution Proclaiming 2023 as “Year of the Trail”.

5. Approval of Consent Agenda.

(A) Approval of the February 14, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes.

(B) Approval of the 2023 Council Retreat Minutes (February 21-22, 2023).

6. Agreements/Contracts:

(A) Consideration of Contract with Tharrington Smith for Redistricting Services. (Enclosure #1) – Summer Woodard, City Manager, and Adam Mitchell, Tharrington Smith.

(B) Consideration of Agreement with Ballred/Old North State League for Naming Rights for Field No. 3 at Jaycee Ballpark. (Enclosure #2) – Haywood Cloud, Assistant City Manager of Community Services, and Reggie Allred with the Old North State League

7. Bugetary Items:

(A) Consideration of Jaycee Ballpark Concession Stand Bid Proposal. (Enclosure #3) – Haywood Cloud, Assistant City Manager of Community Services

(B) Consideration of Meter Tap Increase. (Enclosure #4) – Josh Beck, Public Works Director

(C) Consideration of Engine Replacement for Fire Truck. (Enclosure #5) – David Bracken, Fire Chief

(D) Consideration of Bids for Construction of Penn House CDBG-CV Project. (Enclosure #6) – Judy Yarbrough, Penn House Manager

8. Ordinance Amendments:

(A) Consideration of Amendments to Board and Commission Membership References in the City’s Code of Ordinances. (Enclosure #7) – Jason Hardin, Planning & Community Development Manager

9. Public Comments.

10. City Manager’s Report:

(A) Month of March. (Enclosure #8)

11. Council Members’ Reports.

12. Miscellaneous:

(A) For Information Only.

13. Move to the First-Floor Conference Room for a closed session to discuss a legal matter and real estate pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(3) & (5).

14. Adjourn.


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