March 13, 2023 Rockingham County Planning Board Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes
a. January 9, 2023
V. Review of Procedures for Quasi-Judicial Hearings
VI. Matters Before the Board of Adjustment
a. Variance Request 2023-06 Walls: A request to vary the required front yard and/or rear yard setback requirements in the Residential Agricultural (RA) district by approximately fifteen (15) feet combined to accommodate placement of a residential structure. The property is denoted by Tax PIN 8905-18-20-6284, located at 1818 Stone Mountain Road, Stoneville, NC 27048 in the Mayo Township.
VII. Close Board of Adjustment & Convene the Planning Board
VIII. Review of Procedures for Legislative Matters
a. Rezoning Request 2023-03 Knight: A zoning change has been requested for a portion of the property denoted by Tax PIN 7903-01-48-7699, located at 466 Eden Church Rd in the Huntsville Township. The request is to rezone the property from Residential Protected (RP) & Residential Agricultural (RA) to Residential Agricultural (RA).
b. Rezoning Request 2023-04 Carter: A zoning change has been requested for the property denoted by Tax PIN 7923-01-18-2000, located at 2804 US Highway 220 in the Huntsville Township. The request is to rezone the property from Highway Commercial-Conditional District (HC-CD) to Highway Commercial (HC).
c. Rezoning Request 2023-05 Clayton Homes: A zoning change has been requested for the property denoted by Tax PIN 7061-09-25-4439, located on Odle Ln in the Leaksville Township. The request is to rezone the property from Residential Protected (RP) to Residential Agricultural (RA).
d. Text Amendment Request 2023-07 Floyd Baptist Church: A request to amend the UDO Permitted Use Table and Supplemental Regulations to permit Religious Schools and Places of Worship in the Residential Protected (RP) district when located on the same parcel.
e. Text Amendment Request 2023-08 Staff Initiated: A request to amend various sections of the UDO related to the following:
i. Manufactured Homes on Individual Lots
ii. Landscape Design Standards
iii. Major Subdivision Review
iv. Wireless Telecommunication Towers
v. Accessory Dwelling Unit/Guesthouse
vi. Shipping Containers
IX. Other Business:
a. New Business: None
b. Old Business: None
X. Adjourn