March 10, 2025 Rockingham County Planning Board Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes
a. January 13, 2024
V. Review of Procedures for Public Hearings
a. Zoning Map Amendment 2025-03: a zoning map amendment has been requested for the property denoted by Rockingham County Tax PIN 8906-03-02-8474 located at 194 Salem Church Rd in the Reidsville Township. The request is to rezone the property from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Residential Protected (RP).
b. Zoning Map Amendment 2025-04: a zoning map amendment has been requested for the property denoted by Rockingham County Tax PIN 7978-03-43-7687 located at 11123 NC Highway 87 in the Leaksville Township. The request is to rezone the property from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Residential-Mixed (RM).
c. Zoning Text Amendment 2025-05: A proposal to amend the Rockingham County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) to modify the dimensional standards for nonresidential zoning districts.
VII. Other Business
a. New Business: None
b. Old Business: None
VIII. Adjourn