LTE: Rockingham County Schools – A first-class place to work

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Rockingham County Schools – a first-class place to work

To the Editor,

My name is Adam Powell, and I have served as Public Information Officer of Rockingham County Schools since June 21, 2021. My final day in this role was Thursday, April 6. I just wanted to take a brief moment and let the Rockingham County and Triad communities know what an outstanding experience I have had working for Rockingham County Schools, and how I would recommend anyone out there considering RCS as a potential employer to give it serious consideration.

If you’re anything like me, you won’t regret it.

The people of Rockingham County have treated me great from day one. And if I lived in Rockingham County, the honest truth is that I would have probably stayed in this position for the rest of my career if they’d let me keep coming to work each day. But being a resident of Mebane in eastern Alamance County, and having young children heavily involved in various activities, I simply needed to be more available for my family. A couple work-from-home opportunities have made that possible for me at this time, and I regrettably had to step away from my duties at RCS Central Office.

If it weren’t for the vision of former RCS Superintendent Dr. Rodney Shotwell, who took a chance on me, I wouldn’t have ever been here. For lack of a better phrase, Dr. Shotwell and his team changed my life forever. Two other very special people who aren’t with RCS anymore – Dr. Sonja Parks and Dr. Kenneth Scott – also played instrumental roles in my coming to Rockingham County, and I’ll always be grateful to them as well.

I’ve had the privilege of working closely alongside two excellent Superintendents in Dr. Shotwell and Mr. Shawn Stover. It was my pleasure watching these two men put so much energy into their job, the passion they shared for student achievement, as well as their interest in helping teachers and staff be better at their daily work. Both of these men share very big hearts, along with a desire to serve others. They are to be commended for their dedication.

Mr. Stover brought a calming presence to RCS after Dr. Shotwell’s departure, while also bringing a multitude of common-sense ideas that have increased efficiencies in some key areas. But I also firmly believe he was handed a very strong foundation by Dr. Shotwell and his team. I look forward not only to seeing what Mr. (soon to be Dr.) Stover achieves in Rockingham County over the next few years, but hopefully relaxing down the road together at our mutually-beloved Topsail Island down at the coast when we’re both retired.

Erselle Young, Dr. Charles Perkins, and Dr. Cindy Corcoran have dedicated most of their careers to the children and staff of Rockingham County Schools, and I believe every parent out there should know that their children are in good hands with these capable people assisting Mr. Stover each day. You’d have to be inside the school system to see the hours these people put in, sacrificing time away from their own families and children for the good of others. In addition, Annie Ellis and her outstanding team in RCS’s Finance Department do a tremendous job of being accountable and transparent to you – the taxpayers and stakeholders within the community. And I can’t not mention Mr. Stover’s secretary and Board of Education clerk Renee Brown – one of the nicest people I’ve ever known.

I want to briefly thank and celebrate every RCS staff member who has crossed my path over the past two years – all the Principals, Assistant Principals, teachers, administrators, bus drivers, custodians. Everyone. You were always appreciated.

I want the people of the Triad to know that the Rockingham County Schools Board of Education cares about people. They care about children. They care about the long-term future of this county, state, and country. Again, you’d have to work with them first-hand to see it for yourself, but take my word for it.

It has been my honor working alongside Chair Kimberly McMichael, Vice-Chair Vicky Alston, and the other RCS Board of Education members. We’ve worked through a wide range of situations, and I always knew that all of my dealings with Mrs. McMichael and this Board were going to be handled ethically, professionally, and responsibly.

People in the Triad community need to know how much these people care.

They should know about the time former Board member Doug Isley called me on the day my aunt was buried in my hometown to make sure I was doing okay. How current Board member Brent Huss took time out of his day one time to personally call me and give me some much appreciated words of encouragement when he found out I was dealing with a tough situation.

I learned something and became a little wiser every time I was privileged enough to get to chat with Mr. Bob Wyatt. RCS is fortunate to have his steady eye watching over things. And I always looked forward to seeing the smiling faces of Paula Rakestraw, Vicky Alston, and Vickie McKinney at various events around the district. They were always fast with words of encouragement and advice, while also challenging us to stay sharp and on top of things. I didn’t get to spend as much time with RCS’s newest Board member, Philip Butler, but I know he shares the values of family, community, and public education that so many hold so near and dear.

To anyone out there considering Rockingham County Schools as a potential employer, I can tell you first-hand that you will be treated with respect and professionalism. Your opinions will be valued, and your time will be respected by people. You will get a chance to make the difference in the lives of children. It’s a fantastic place to work. I hope you’ll give it some consideration. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


Kristopher “Adam” Powell

Outgoing Rockingham County Schools Public Information Officer
