June 5, 2023 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting
4. APPROVAL OF June 5, 2023 AGENDA
5. CONSENT AGENDA Consent items as follows will1 be adopted with a single motion.
second and vote. unless a request for removal from the consent agenda is heard from a
A) Pat Galloway, Finance Director
I. Approval – Amend the Fire District Special Revenue Fund budget $10.000.
Draper Fire District revenue collections have exceeded the original budget estimates and this amendment is necessary in order to remit all collections to the tire district before the end of the current fiscal year.
2. Approval-Increase Detention Center budget $85.000 tor the COYI D-19 Support of County Continement Facilities grant that was awarded. Funds are used to purchase gloves and cleaning supplies to mitigate the spread of the COYIO-19 virus in the Detention Facility and Law Enforcement Building. No matching funds are required.
3. Approval – Increase Health Insurance Fund $345.000 tor Rx Rebate and Stop Loss Revenues received in excess of original budget. With the current year change in the pharmacy benefit provider. UMR removed the Rx credit from the administration fee and the County began receiving 100% of the Rx rebate revenue. The administration expense budget increased due to this change: however. new revenue is being received that is expected to exceed the increase in expenses. This amendment is budgeting the revenue to cover the increase in expense.
4. Approval – Amend budget in order to implement required Government Accounting Standard (GASB-96) tor Subscription Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs). GASB-96 requires reporting an intangible/right to use asset and liability associated with subscription agreements that meet GASB-96 criteria. In the year of implementation. FY 2022-2023. We are required to record the procurement of the right to use asset with entries to Capital Outlay and other Financing Source-Subscription Debt lor the present value of subscription payments expected to be made during the subscription term. Register of Deeds Courthouse Computer Software is the only subscription that meets the GASB-06 reporting requirements.
5. Approval – Increase Tax Department budget $30,000 for Motor Vehicle Tax (MVT) collection fees charged by NC. MVT collection fees are based on revenue collected and MVT revenue collections have exceeded the original FY 23 budget projection. MVT revenue will cover this increased cost.
6. Approval – Increase the Animal Shelter budget $1,000 for a donation that has been received. Funds will be used to purchase new travel carriers.
B) Todd Hurst, Tax Administrator
1. Approval- Tax refunds for May 3, 2023 thru May 23, 2023.
2. Approval- Reappointment of Ashley W. McCrickard as Deputy Tax Collector.
C) Tara Muchini, Youth Services Director
Approval – Appointments to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council for the 202325 term and request approval ofJuvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification for 2023-24.
D) Felissa Ferrell, Health and Human Services Director
Approval – Adoption of a proclamation proclaiming June 15, 2023 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
E) Hiram Marziano, Director of Community Development
Approval – Adoption of Resolution appointing Shannon Tucker and Deleia Hutcherson, Plat Review Officers for the Town of Stoneville, pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 47-30.2.
F) Trey Wright, Health Director
Approval – Appointments for Justin Stewart, Andrew Fix and Patricia Settle to the Health and Human Services Board. Their terms will be from June 5, 2023 until June 4,2027.
G) Lance Metzler, County Manager
1. Approval- Reappointment of Todd L. Hurst as Tax Assessor/Collector.
2. Approval – Adoption of a Resolution allowing electronic publication of general legal notices on the County website.
H) Hunting & Wildlife Advisory Committee
Approval- Appointment of Richard Willis, E. Hunter Perdue and David Griffin, III whose terms will be June 5, 2023 until June 4, 2026.
Lance Metzler, County Manager
Public Hearing on the FY 2023-24 Budget and consideration of2023-24 Budget Ordinance
8. PRESENTATION: Clyde B. Albright, County Attorney
Adopt a Resolution accepting the high bid of$25,000 for real property containing 0.92 acre of real property and house located at 360 Priddy Loop, Stoneville, North Carolina, with proceeds of the sale to allocated to the Rockingham County Animal Shelter as directed by the will of Theresa R. Hubbard or in the alternative reject the bid and advertise a public auction for the sale of the property on July 7, 2023.
Pursuant to: N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(I) Approve Closed Session Minutes, and N.C.G.S. 143-318.II(a)(5) Instruct Negotiating Agents