June 20, 2023 Eden City Council Meeting

June 20, 2023 Eden City Council Meeting

June 20, 2023 Eden City Council Meeting


1. Meeting called to order by: Neville Hall, Mayor

2. Invocation: Pastor Les Herod, Church of God of Prophecy

3. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Averie Foust, rising second grader at Wentworth Elementary School

4. Recognitions:

a. Recognition: Mabe Trucking for 35 years in business

b. Recognition: Prowlers 14U girls’ softball and 12U boys’ baseball teams

5. Roll Call

6. Set Meeting Agenda

7. Public Hearings:

a. Consideration to adopt an ordinance annexing the property located at 345 Wilshire Drive. Case A-23-02. Kelly Stultz, Director of Planning and Community Development

b. Consideration to adopt an ordinance to close an unopened section of Houchins Street. Case SC-23-01. Kelly Stultz, Director of Planning and Community Development

8. Requests and Petitions of Citizens

9. Unfinished Business:

a. Consideration to accept an offer to purchase surplus real property at Byrd Street.
Erin Gilley, City Attorney

b. Consideration to accept an offer to purchase surplus real property at Dallas Street.
Erin Gilley, City Attorney

10. New Business:

a. Consideration to adopt the Draper Small Area Plan.
Kelly Stultz, Director of Planning and Community Development

11. Reports from Staff:

a. City Manager’s Report. Jon Mendenhall, City Manager

12. Consent Agenda:

a. Approval and adoption of the May 16, 2023 Council meeting minutes. Deanna Hunt, City Clerk

b. Approval of a pyrotechnics permit for Independence Day fireworks. Chris White, Fire Chief

c. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #10. Tammie McMichael, Finance and Personnel Director

d. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #11. Tammie McMichael, Finance and Personnel Director

e. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #12. Tammie McMichael, Finance and Personnel Director

f. Approval and adoption of (1) the 10-year Capital Improvements Plan; (2) a resolution on the Capital Reserve Fund – General Fund 2023 – and adoption of Budget Amendment 13 to fund the resolution; and (3) a resolution on the Capital Reserve Fund – Water-Sewer Fund 2023 – and adoption of Budget Amendment 14 to fund the resolution. Jon Mendenhall, City Manager

g. Approval and adoption of a resolution to accept a loan offer from the Division of Water Infrastructure. Terry Shelton, Special Projects Manager

13. Announcements

14. Adjournment


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