June 13, 2022 Rockingham County Planning Board Meeting
(Wentworth, NC) – Video of the June 13, 2022 meeting of the Rockingham County Planning Board. The meeting was held at the Rockingham County Governmental Center in Wentworth, NC.
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes: February 14, 2022
V. Tabled Matters:
a. Rezoning Request 2022-08: A request to rezone a parcel of land from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Residential Mixed (RM). Tax PIN: 7922-01-48-1476. located along Newnam Road and US 220 – New Bethel Township. Public Hearing conducted and completed May 9, 2022. Board procedures, discussion, and voting.
VI. Review of Procedures for Legislative Matters
VII. Matters before the Planning Board
a. Rezoning Request 2022-10 Roberts: A request to rezone a parcel of land from Residential Protected (RP) to Residential Agricultural (RA). Tax PIN: 7902-00-43-3354, located at 4035 Ellisboro Rd – Huntsville Township.
b. Rezoning Request 2022-11 Chavez: A request to rezone a parcel of land from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Rural Commercial (RC). Tax PIN: 7939-09-27-3445, located at 5177 US 220 Business – Mayo Township.
c. Rezoning Request 2022-12 Transco: A request to rezone a parcel of land from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Light Industrial (LI). Tax PIN: 7954-00-83-0706, located NC Highway 65 – New Bethel Township.
VIII. Other Business:
a. New Business:
b. Old Business:
IX. Adjourn