July 11, 2023 Reidsville City Council Meeting
1. Call to Order.
2. Invocation by Councilman William Hairston, Pastor of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, 111 Regent Trail, Reidsville, NC.
3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Approval of Consent Agenda.
(A) Approval of June 13, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes.
(B) Approval of June 27, 2023 Special Meeting Minutes.
(C) Approval to Amend Ordinance to Extend Corporate Limits by Voluntary Annexation of Parcel No. 148922 located off of Freeway Drive to Include Immediate Effective Date.
(D) Approval to Amend Ordinance to Extend Corporate Limits by Voluntary Annexation of of a Portion of Parcel No. 164335Z1 located off of of South Scales Street to Include Immediate Effective Date.
5. Special Projects:
(A) Consideration of Conceptual Design and Construction Budget for Depot Shelter Project, including Accompanying Capital Project Ordinance. (Enclosure #1) – Josh Beck, Public Works Director, Matt Takacs with Core Design Company and Chris Phillips, Assistant City Manager of Administration/Finance Director
(B) Consideration of Updated Plans for Use of American Rescue Plan Funding, including Restoration of Four Tennis Courts at Jaycee Ballpark, and an Accompanying Grant Special Revenue Ordinance Amendment. (Enclosure #2) – Chris Phillips, Assistant City Manager of Administration/Finance Director, and Haywood Cloud Jr., Assistant City Manager of Community Services
6. Agreements:
(A) Consideration of Barnes Street Bridge Betterment Agreement with NCDOT, including Budget Ordinance Amendment No. 2. (Enclosure #3) – Josh Beck, Public Works Director
7. Certifications:
(A) Consideration to Apply to be a Family Forward NC Employer. (Enclosure #4) – Leigh Anne Bassinger, Human Resources Director
8. Board & Commission Appointments:
(A) July Appointments. (Enclosure #5)
9. Public Comments.
10. City Manager’s Report:
(A) Month of July. (Enclosure #6)
11. Council Members’ Reports.
12. Announcement of Board & Commission Appointments.
13. Miscellaneous:
(A) For Information Only.
14. Move to the First-Floor Conference Room for a closed session to discuss a real estate matter and personnel pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(5) & (6).
15. Adjourn.