July 10, 2023 Rockingham County Planning Board Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes
a. June 12, 2023
V. Review of Procedures for Legislative Hearings
VI. Matters Before the Planning Board
a. Special Use Permit 2023-11: A request to approve a Special Use Permit allowing a Religious School in the Residential Protected (RP) Zoning District. The property is denoted by Tax PIN 7040 00-86-9360, located at 3652 Price Road in the Price Township.
b. Rezoning Request 2023-12: A zoning change has been requested for the property denoted by Tax PIN 7913-00-93-8212, located on US Highway 220 in the Huntsville Township. The request is to rezone the property from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Highway Commercial (HC).
VII. Other Business:
a. New Business:
b. Old Business:
VII. Adjourn