January 17, 2023 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting
2. INVOCATION – Major Curtis Kratz, Salvation Army
3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Tanner Joyce and Hadlee James
5. CONSENT AGENDA (Consent items as follows will be adopted with a single motion, second and vote, unless a request for removal from the Consent Agenda is heard from a Commissioner)
A. Pat Galloway, Finance Director
Approval – Increase Register of Deeds (ROD) Preservation budget $2,166 for
additional grant funding awarded by the State. Funds will be used to continue the ROD preservation of records project of transferring old books into metal fire and water resistant binders.
2 Approval- Amend NC DOT Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) grant bUdgets to agree with current NC DOT grant allocation to Rockingham County. These are pass through grants to ADTS who is the service provider for the county.
3. Approval- Transfer $13,500 of Public Health COVID-19 Grant Funds to cover the increase cost of the chassis for the Medical Mobile Unit. Due to supply shortages, Ford canceled the 2022 order the chassis had to be re-ordered in 2023 with a price increase.
B. Todd Hurst, Interim Tax Administrator
Approval- Tax Refunds from November 16, 2022 thru December 30,2022.
C. Cathy Murray, Program Manager and Felissa Ferrell, Director DSS/DHHS
Approval- Community Child Protection Team Annual Report
D. Trey Wright, Health Director
Approval – Appointment of Houston Barrow as the representative for Rockingham County Commissioner to serve on the Rockingham County Health & Human Services Board.
E. Lance Metzler, County Manager
Approval – Adoption of a Resolution to concur with a request by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways for abandonment of 0.08 miles of SR 2431 (Monroeton Golf Course Road) Simpsonville Township which will require a Public Hearing at a future meeting.
2. Approval – Adoption of a Resolution to concur with a request by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Division of Highways for addition for Mustang Run (0.26 miles) and Appaloosa Court (0.05 miles) in Cedar Hollow Subdivision in Huntsville Township.
3. Approval- Reappointment of C. Grayson Whitt to the Rockingham Community
College Board of Trustees. New term to expire 6/30/2027
F. Derek Southern, Assistant County Manager
Approval- Fiscal Year 2023/2024 Budget Calendar
2. Approval – Addition of Public Hearing Fees (Non-Planning and Zoning) to the master fee schedule. Currently there is not a set fee for private agencies to cover costs associated with public hearings. Administrative Fee – $25.00 Public Notice Fee – $1.70 per line per day Recording Fees – See Register of Deeds Fee Schedule
G. Captain Jennifer Brown
Approval- Retiring of K9 Kira (age 11 on January 17, 2023) after over 10 years of dedicated service to the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office. Kira’s handler, Deputy Dara Guerra, has requested to purchase Kira for $1.00,
H. Ronnie Tate, Director of Engineering and Public Utilities
Approval – Change order for Hogan’s Creek Pump Station project of $224,000.00 for upgrades for proposed pumps in the new station and the addition of one new pump for the station. This funding is from the project and there in no County funds needed.
I. Ben Curtis, Register of Deeds
Approval – Resolution authorizing the Rockingham County Register of Deeds to temporarily transfer records to an off-site of out-of-county location for reproduction, repair or preservation.
Hiriam “Marzy” Marziano, Community Development Director
A. Case 2022-23 – Zoning Amendment: rezoning a parcel of land from Light Industrial Conditional Use (L1-CU) to Light Industrial – Conditional District (L1-CD), including a Site Plan Amendment – Jonathan Bradshaw (on behalf of Jonmac Investments LLC) – Tax PIN: 7923-03-34-0683 – Address: 161 Gold Hill Rd. – New Bethel Township.
B. Case 2022-24 – Zoning Amendment: rezoning a parcel of land from Residential Protected (RP) to Residential Agricultural (RA) – Amy Phillips (owner) – Tax PIN: 7912-00-07-0741 -Address: 144 Honey Rd. – Huntsville Township.
9. PRESENTATION: Sheriff Sam Page
Approval – Rockingham County School System to pay for 83% of Salary/Benefits for the (4) new School Resource Officers (SRO’s) =$219, 443.00.
For County to pay 17% of Salary/Benefits for (4) new SRO’s = $44,947.00
9. PRESENTATION: Ronnie Tate, Director of Engineering and Public Utilities (Parks and Rec Advisory Board Member)
A. Approval – Additional $20,000.00 in funding to cover the cost of a County wide comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Cost for the Master Plan is $55,000.00 provided by Destination by Design. The Board at an earlier meeting approved $35,000.00 for this project to be used as a match for potential grant funding. Destination by Design is incorporating two ongoing plans by other groups to lower the cost of the County’s Master Plan.
B. Approval – Construction of three new “rock signs” at the three entrances to the Governmental Center Campus. Request is for demolition of the existing signs, construction of new signs and lighting for new signs.
10. PRESENTATION: Latorya Carter, Program Manager
Review for the CSBG 2023/2024 application.