February 5, 2024 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting

February 5, 2024 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting

February 5, 2024 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting






Approval – Resolution – Reidsville High School Rams Football Team for winning the NCHSA 2023 2-A State Championship


A) Pat Galloway, Finance Director
1. Approval-Amend the FY 23-24 budget $347,090 for new software subscriptions that meet the criteria of a recently implemented governmental accounting standard requiring certain software subscriptions to be capitalized as a Right to Use intangible asset and the corresponding liability to be reported. This is a requirement of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).

2. Approval-Amend Sheriff Department budget $5,452 for a new postage machine lease agreement. The amendment will increase Capital Outlay and Other Financing Source $5,452 and will transfer the FY 24 lease payment ($576) included in the original FY 24 budget from an operating expense line item to principal and interest line items.
3. Approval – Appropriate $3,000 of 4-H Reserve Fund Balance to cover costs of 4-H school enrichment programing and upcoming 4-H programs offered to Rockingham County.

4. Approval -Increase Public Buildings budget $89,055 for vacant position that was mistakenly left off the original FY 2024 budget and for the percentage of the department director’s salary and benefits that was previously budgeted in the Landfill operating fund which was discontinued as of 6/30/2023.

5. Approval – Increase Fire District Special Revenue Fund budget $260,000 for current year fire district taxes collected over budget. These two fire districts request that all funds collected be remitted to them during the year of collection.
• Draper – $230,000 (higher due to conservative budget estimates on the Purina Facility)
• Leaksville – $30,000

6. Approval – Fire District Special Revenue Fund $6,825. Motor Vehicle tax collections are trending higher than estimated in the FY 2024 original budge. The amendment is needed to cover the increase in collection fee expense line items.

7. Approval – Increase E-911 Special Revenue Fund budget $66,648 for 911 Board grant award to purchase 8 p011able radios for the 911 Center

B) Todd Hurst, Tax Administrator
Approval -Tax collection and reconciliation reports for December including refunds for January 3, 2024 thru January 23, 2024.

C) Tara Muchini, Youth Services Director
Approval -Rockingham County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council removal of Nicole Moore from the JCPC due to lack of interest and participation, as according bylaws.

D) Rodney Stewart, RCEMS Operations Supervisor
Approval -Accounting reports of billing and collections activity for December 2023 and approval of accounts uncollected that are to be written off.

E) Hiram Marziano, Community Development
Approval -Adjustment to the Planning Department schedule of fees, specifically increasing the third-party engineering review fee for new wireless communication towers from $3,000 to $3,500. The request is a result of an increase in the amount Atlantic Technologies, charges for review of new tower plans, which now equals $3,100. The remaining $400 is to cover staff and administrative time spent on new tower projects.

F) Greg Bray, Airport Authority Advisory Board
Approval -Reappointment of Mr. Greg Bray and Mr. Gary Akers to the Airport Authority Advisory Board. The term to expire February 4, 2027.

G) Shameka McCain, Piedmont Triad Regional Council
Approval -Appointment of Ms. April Cox to the Piedmont Triad Regional Workforce Development Board. The term to expire June 30, 2027.

H) Lance Metzler, County Manager
Approval -New position for Veterans Treatment Court Coordinator and the budget of $36,800 to cover Veterans Treatment Court program start up costs and operating costs for the remainder of FY 2024.

I) Susan O. Washburn, Clerk to the Board
Approval – Regular meeting minutes

J) Derek Southern, Assistant County Manager
Approval – Allow Rockingham Community College to utilize Youth Services Vans for the baseball team’s travel. This is a trial program that will last the duration of the spring 2024 season.


8. Benjamin Curtis, Register of Deeds
Register of Deeds office update

9. Ronnie Tate, Dir. of Engineering and Public Utilities and Bill Lester, LKC Engineering
Approval- Utility project list at estimated cost of $52,913,500 which will be funded by the $54,550,000 allocated to the County in the NC General Assembly approved FY 2023-24 State budget. These projects are a continuation of utility projects the County started in 2017 on Hwy 158 and US 220.

10. Lisa Ellington, Rockingham County Recovers
Approval- Rockingham County Recovers RFQ & RC High Impact Opioid Abatement Strategies.

11. Clyde Albright, County Attorney
Approval – Offer to purchase the Horse Park Property from Rockingham County for 1.1 million dollars.





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