February 18, 2025 Eden City Council Meeting

February 18, 2025 Eden City Council Meeting

February 18, 2025 Eden City Council Meeting


1. Meeting called to order by: Neville Hall, Mayor

2. Invocation: Kim Garrett, Morehead High School Swim Team Coach

3. Pledge of Allegiance: led by Floyd Christian School students

4. Proclamations and Recognitions:

a. Proclamation: Leaksville Garden Club’s 100th Anniversary

b. Recognition: Morehead High School Boys and Girls Swim Team

c. Recognition: Eden Chamber of Commerce Student Essay winner

5. Roll Call

6. Set Meeting Agenda:

7. Public Hearings:

a. (1) Consideration of a zoning map amendment and adoption of an ordinance to rezone 0.64 acres at 13682 NC 87 from Business General to Residential-12. Zoning case Z-24-06. Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director

(2) Consideration to adopt a resolution of a statement of consistency regarding the proposed map amendment in Z-24-06. Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director

8. Requests and Petitions of Citizens

9. Unfinished Business

10. New Business:

a. Consideration to adopt a resolution directing the Clerk to investigate the sufficiency of an annexation petition for 13682 NC 87. Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director

b. Consideration to adopt a resolution to adopt and approve the City-County Public Utilities Agreement. Erin Gilley, City Attorney; Melinda Ward, Public Utilities Manager

11. Reports from Staff:

a. City Manager’s Report. Jon Mendenhall, City Manager

b. Board Appointment. Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director

12. Consent Agenda:

a. Approval and adoption of the (1) January 21 regular meeting and (2) January 30 special meeting minutes. Deanna Hunt, City Clerk

b. Approval and adoption of an amended Automatic Aid Agreement between the City and the Draper Volunteer Fire Department. Chris White, Fire Chief

c. Approval and adoption to award the 2024-25 Pavement Preservation Contract to Superior Paving Corporation. Kevin London, Design & Construction Project Coordinator

d. Approval and adoption to amend the 2024-25 Grade and Positions classification. Tammie McMichael, Finance & Human Resources Director

13. Announcements

14. Adjournment
