Episode #48 – Guest: Cecil Cottrell, The Reidsville Chamber of Commerce News & Views Show

Episode #48 – Guest: Cecil Cottrell, The Reidsville Chamber of Commerce News & Views Show

Episode #48 – Guest: Cecil Cottrell, Mount Jubilee Ministries, The Reidsville Chamber of Commerce News & Views Show

In Episode #48 Reidsville Chamber of Commerce President Diane Sawyer talks with Cecil Cottrell.

Topics include: Cecil’s work as a Reidsville Chamber of Commerce Ambassador and the growth / expansion of Mount Jubilee Ministries.

Mount Jubilee Ministries was established in 2005 in response to a defined interest from parents to provide a residential summer camp for youth within the IDD population in the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina. As a result of the passionate commitment of the core group of founders, Camp Jubilee hosted its first week of camp in the summer of 2005 with five campers and six volunteers. Over the past 16 years, more than 200 special friends, ranging in ages from 10 to 65, have participated in this exceptional summer camp experience. To learn more about Mount Jubilee Ministries, vist their website at: www.mountjubilee.org

REIDSVILLE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NEWS & VIEWS is a Business Resource show with a focus on enhancing the business environment through advocacy, mentoring and education in an effort to promote economic growth. The Reidsville Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization in North Carolina, working on behalf of its members for the betterment of the community.

To learn more about the Reidsville Chamber of Commerce, visit: www.reidsvillechamber.org or call: (336) 349-8481

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