December 20, 2022 Eden City Council Meeting
1. Meeting called to order by: Neville Hall, Mayor
2. Invocation: Pastor Chris Burns, Draper Pentecostal Holiness Church
3. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Chris White, Fire Chief
4. Proclamations and Recognitions:
a. Recognition: Prowlers Football Champions
b. Recognition: The Vacuum and Sewing Center for 51 years in business
c. Recognition: Quality Cleaners for 75 years in business
d. Proclamation: Year of the Trail
e. Proclamation: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
5. Roll Call
6. Set Meeting Agenda
7. Public Hearings:
a. (1) Consideration of an ordinance to adopt a zoning map amendment to rezone a 2.8-acre property on Main Street from Residential Agriculture to Light Industrial. Zoning Case Z-22-08. Kelly
Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director
(2) Consideration to adopt a resolution of a statement of consistency regarding the proposed map
amendment. Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director
b. Consideration of a program amendment to the City’s 2018 Community Development Block Grant
Neighborhood Revitalization program. Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director
8. Requests and Petitions of Citizens
9. Unfinished Business:
a. Consideration of appointments to Boards and Commissions.
Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director
10. New Business:
a. Mayoral appointments: (1) ABC Board (2) ABC Board Chair (3) Piedmont Triad Regional
Council (4) Rural Planning Organization Technical Advisory Committee
and (5) Eden Downtown Development Incorporated. Mayor Neville Hall
b. Presentation of the Fair Housing Report for the Community Development Block Grant projects.
Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director
11. Reports from Staff:
a. City Manager’s Report. Jon Mendenhall, City Manager
12. Consent Agenda:
a. Approval and adoption of the (1) November 15, 2022 and (2) December 1, 2022 Council meeting
minutes. Deanna Hunt, City Clerk
b. Approval of the re-organization of Administration and Police Departments for 2023.
Jon Mendenhall, City Manager
c. Approval and adoption of an amendment to the City-County Utilities agreement.
Erin Gilley, City Attorney
d. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #1. Tammie McMichael, Finance & Personnel Director
e. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #2. Tammie McMichael, Finance & Personnel Director
f. Approval and adoption of Budget Amendment #3. Tammie McMichael, Finance & Personnel Director
g. Approval and adoption of an easement for the Draper Volunteer Fire Department.
Erin Gilley, City Attorney
h. Approval to initiate a zoning map amendment to rezone property at 1711 Mill Avenue.
Kelly Stultz, Planning & Community Development Director
13. Announcements
14. Adjournment