December 12, 2023 Reidsville City Council Meeting

December 12, 2023 Reidsville City Council Meeting

December 12, 2023 Reidsville City Council Meeting


1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation by the Reverend Ralph Clayton.

3. Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Approval of the November 14, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes.

5. Recognitions:

(A) Outgoing Councilwoman Sherri Walker

(B) Outgoing Councilman James K. Festerman

6. Oath of Office:

(A) Administering the Oath to the newly elected Council Members.

7. 2023-2025 Council Organization as required by G.S. 160A-68:

(A) Appointment of Council Liaisons:

ABC Board
Appearance Commission
Chamber of Commerce
Community Pool Association
Downtown Corporation
Historic Preservation Commission
Human Relations Commission
Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission
Piedmont Triad Regional Council of Governments
Planning Board
Citizens Economic Development Inc.

8. Public Comments.

9. Adjourn and move to the Gymnasium for a reception honoring newly elected Council



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