City of Eden Names Chris White As New Fire Chief

City of Eden Names Chris White As New Fire Chief

City of Eden News Release • September 19, 2022

(Eden, NC) – Mr. Chris White, has been named the new Fire Chief for the City of Eden effective September 21, 2022.  He will be replacing Chief Todd Harden, who retired September 1, 2022.

Mr. White was born and raised in Eden and holds an Associate’s Degree in Fire Science from Columbia Southern University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Fire Administration/Fire Investigation, also from Columbia Southern University.  Mr. White is a Level II Instructor certified by Office State Fire Marshall (OSFM) and a Level II Fire Officer. Mr. White is also working on his Level II Inspection certification.

Chris is married to his wife Lisa and they have been together 12 years.  They are members of Eden Baptist Church.

Mr. White stated “I am thankful for this opportunity to serve as Fire Chief of this wonderful city. I look forward to serving the citizens of this city, working with the youth promoting public fire education and being available and accessible to the citizens of Eden. I am thankful and grateful for this opportunity.” 


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