RPD K9 Jessica Receives Body Armor Thanks To Donation Sponsored By Charles and Carol Fagg
K9 Jessica’s vest was sponsored by Charles and Carol Fagg of Reidsville, NC and embroidered with the sentiment “Born to Love-Trained to Serve-Loyal Always”
K9 Jessica’s vest was sponsored by Charles and Carol Fagg of Reidsville, NC and embroidered with the sentiment “Born to Love-Trained to Serve-Loyal Always”
Organizations can apply online starting today for free bicycle helmets, as part of a state transportation safety initiative. The deadline for applications is 5 p.m. Feb. 3.
Anyone having information regarding the sell/ distribution of illegal narcotics is asked to contact Narcotics Sergeant David Stepps or Detective Lance Hash at 336-623-9755 (24hr) or 336-623-9240
UPDATE 12/29/2022 @ 7pm:
QUAYVON TYKECE FOSTER has turned himself in to the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office and is now in custody.
Topics include: Sheriff Page’s Election to his 7th term as Rockingham County Sheriff, making him the longest serving Sheriff in Rockingham County’s history, discussion on which accomplishments Sheriff Page is most proud of during his tenure as Sheriff, Discussion on what are the biggest issues facing our communities now, Discussion on Title 42 – What is it? and how does it affect Rockingham County, The Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office is recruiting deputies and Detention Officers / Apply today for a position, Winter Weather Safty Tips and completion of the 2022 Toy Collection Drive.
The meeting was held at Eden City Hall
The meeting was held at the Rockingham COunty Governmental Center in Wentworth, NC
A press release from Rockingham County Clerk of Superior Court Abner Bullins discussing recent promotions and a new hire.
Operation Jingle Bails, targeted thirteen street level, narcotics dealers and ten (10) individuals with non-narcotic outstanding warrants