RCC faculty nominates students for the award who have a grade point average of at least 3.25. The nominees are...
Read moreDetailsTopics Include: the ways care managers assist families and their elders, resources for families looking for assistance and how to...
Read moreDetailsTopics Include: Tim's business ventures/projects ranging from the local theater group comprised of The Rockingham Theatre, Kingsway 4 Cinemas in...
Read moreDetailsThe meeting was held at the Rockingham County Schools Central Office.
Read moreDetailsTopics Include: key resources, the nuances of today's caregiving experience, caregiver education
Read moreDetailsPastor Benny Wood Retiring After 42 Years at Tri-City Baptist Church
Read moreDetailsTopics include: Updates on the All-Inclusive Park, The City Streetscape Project, The City's upcoming Sesquicentennial (150 years) Celebration, Jaycee Park...
Read moreDetailsTopics Include: Eden's work with the Reidsville Chamber of Commerce as a current Board Member, as well as her volunteer...
Read moreDetailsAll individuals arrested, charged or served with a summons are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law....
Read moreDetailsFriends of retired Reidsville Police Department Corp. Daniel B. Velazquez, who died suddenly Friday, June 3, have initiated two fundraisers...
Read moreDetailsCommunity input is imperative as preparation for new initiatives begin development to combat this epidemic
Read moreDetails“Hospice care relieves family and friends from having to provide physical care and allows them to simply be family and...
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