Crime – Page 22



Two Facing Charges Following Hamlin Street Search Warrant

Anyone having information concerning this incident is asked to contact Narcotics Detectives Lance Hash, Neil Johnston or Sergeant David Stepps at 336-623-9755 (24hr) or 336-623-9240 8am-4pm. Anyone wishing to provide information and remain anonymous is asked to call Rockingham County Crimestoppers at 336-349-9683


RPD: Manus Facing Felony Charges Following Drug Investigation

On Tuesday, March 13, 2023, officers of the Reidsville Police Department conducted a drug investigation at the Royal Inn on Freeway Drive. Upon completion of the search, officers recovered 4.26 ounces of Cocaine, Marijuana, (2) Firearms, Schedule II, Schedule III and Schedule IV pills, Drug Paraphernalia, and more than $16,700 dollars in US Currency.

Crime, Local

EP#30 Sheriff’s Spotlight w/the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office

Topics include: Sheriff Page’s reaction to the death of Tyre Nichols and a discussion on the letter Sheriff Page has written following Mr. Nichols death, Recent Hiring/Recruitment efforts for Detention Officers/Deputies, a discussion on the upcoming Feb 18 Career Symposium hosted by the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Page talks about his upcoming return to the Capitol and the purpose of the trip, NC Sheriff’s Association receives a check from NC Treasurer Folwell, An update on Bullet Proof Vests being sent to Ukraine, Recent Promotions and New Chaplin, as well as the retirement of K9 Kira, and the importance of Community Watch Groups.


60 Year Old Summerfiled Man Facing Sexual Exploitation of a Minor Charges

Investigators from the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office, working in conjunction with the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation, the Reidsville Police Department, the Piedmont Area Homeland Security Task Force and the Triad Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, executed a Search Warrant at

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