August 8, 2022 Rockingham County Planning Board Meeting
(Wentworth, NC) – The Rockingham County Planning Board held their August 8, 2022 regular monthly meeting at the Rockingham County Governmental Center in Wentworth, NC.
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes
a. July 11, 2022
V. Review of Procedures for Legislative Matters
VI. Matters before the Planning Board
a. Rezoning Request 2022-17 Baker Knight REZ: A request to rezone two parcels of land from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Highway Commercial Conditional District (HC-CD). Tax PINs: 7903-03-31-9666 & 7903-03-41-0693, located on Shelton Rd – Huntsville Township.
b. Text Amendments Package 2022-02: a proposal for four (4) text amendments to the Unified Development Ordinance:
1. 2022-02a: Table 41.05-1. Dimensional Standards Table
2. 2022-02b: Sec. 62.16. Campgrounds/RV Parks
3. 2022-02c: Sec. 53.03. Road Standards
4. 2022-02d: Table 41.04-1. Outdoor Storage of Boats/RVs
VII. Other Business:
a. New Business:
b. Old Business:
VII. Adjourn