August 19, 2024 Rockingham County Board Of Commissioners Meeting

August 19, 2024 Rockingham County Board Of Commissioners Meeting

August 19, 2024 Rockingham County Board Of Commissioners Meeting



2. INVOCATION – Pastor Christina B. Taylor, Woodmont United Methodist Church, Reidsville



5. CONSENT AGENDA (Consent items as follows will be adopted with a single motion, second and vote, unless a request for removal from the Consent Agenda is heard from a Commissioner)

A) Captain Jennifer Brown
1. Deputy Gary Bledsoe is retiring effective August 1, 2024 from the Rockingham County Sheriffs Office with 13 years/3 months of service. He is requesting to purchase his duty weapon for $100.00 per County Policy and NCGS 17F-20.

2. Detective Dan Hardy is retiring effective August 1, 2024 from the Rockingham County Sheriffs Office with 29 years’ service. He is requesting to purchase his duty weapon for $1.00 per County Policy and NCGS 17F-20.

3. Lt. Jon Peters is retiring effective September 1, 2024 from the Rockingham County Sheriffs Office with 28 years/6 months of service. He is requesting to purchase his duty weapon for $1.00 per County Policy and NCGS 17F-20.

4. Increase Sheriffs Office budget $29,500.00 for NCDPS 2023 Byrne-JAG LEO Block Grant Award Federal Grant Number: 15PBJA-23-GG-03000-JAGX (Agreement Number #2000071115) to purchase body armor, Handheld 800mHz radios and accessories and communication system microphones for Deputies.

5. Request to accept $740,396.84 for NCDPS grant (19-RFA-RQ96528-WAX Medication-Assisted Treatment in Jails) awarded to the Jail to establish a MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment) Program. This grant was approved due to the Jail meeting priority criteria established by the NC General Assembly in accordance with S.L. 2021-80. The grant will al10w for the purchase of FDA approved medication for inmate treatments of alcohol and/or opioid use disorder ($686,316.80) and the hiring of a Medical Technician for one year ($54,080.04 annual salary) to take care of inmates’ routine medical checks while the nurse on staff dispenses medications to inmates participating in the MAT program.

This request is to accept the award and to allow approval of the Med Tech position and the purchase of medications for the grant period.

6. Request to use Jail Canteen funds to purchase a commercial Till Skillet for the Jail Kitchen to replace the one currently there that is unable to be repaired. This equipment is used daily by kitchen staff when preparing meals for the inmates. It is versatile in that it is used to prepare a variety of meals in large batches by steaming, simmering, boiling, frying, grilling or sautéing. It can be used to warm meals and reduce cooking time for food prep tasks. It offers even cooking, temperature control and nutrient retention. The cost is $29,630.00 before tax. 

B) Pat Galloway, Director of Financial Services
Amend South Rockingham Corporate Park Water & Wastewater Project fund $99,189 due to additional CDBG grant funds received with the final close out of the project in July 2024. Project was amended and closed in May 2024. This action will re-open the project fund to accept the funds, allow the appropriate transfers out to the General Fund and Water & Sewer Fund and re-close the fund in FY 2025. $49,155 will be transferred to the General Fund which will complete the reimbursement of funds originally provided. The remaining $50,034 will be transferred to the Water & Sewer Fund for future water or sewer needs.

C) Justin Thacker, Deputy Finance Director
1. Increase Fire District budget for $43,004 in revenues collected over budget in FY 2024 that will be remitted to the respective Fire Departments:

Draper $10,708

Leaksville $32,296

Increase Fire District budget for $2,037 to remit Pelham’s Fire District fund balance since Ruffin assumed the coverage area as of July 1,2024.

2. Amend the FY 24-25 budget $30,768 for the new software subscription CUSl/UMS that meets the criteria of a recently implemented governmental accounting standard requiring certain software subscriptions to be capitalized as a Right to Use intangible asset and the corresponding liability to be reported.

3. Increase the FY 2025 Cooperative Extension budget $2,578 for program revenues earned and not budgeted in FY 2024. The various program revenues are to be used in the same program as earned.

4. Amend the American Rescue Plan Grant Project Ordinance to appropriate $80,473 of unobligated ARPA funds to the ARPA Water/Wastewater Expense Category. These funds will be transferred to the Hwy 220 Wastewater and Water Capital Project. Amend the Hwy 220 Wastewater and Water Capital Project to accept the transfer of funds from the ARPA special revenue fund. Appropriate $384,116 of American Rescue Plan Grant interest earnings and reallocate previously allocated interest eamingsearnings of $79,295 for a total of $463,410 to be transferred to the General Fund.

5. Appropriate $50,000 for the addendum for year 2 and 3 for ARPA TSF funds received by NCDHHS for the Public Health Department.

6. Appropriate $869 for additional dollars granted to the WIC program in public health. The original budget was $432,862 but the addendum for Rockingham County now shows a total budget of$433,731.

7. Increase Stoneville Library & Vera Holland Trust Fund project budgets associated with replacing the roofs and siding on each of the buildings. The Library Board of Trustees approved both projects on the 7/25/2024 meeting.

Stoneville Library – Vera Holland Fund $34,394

Vera Holland Center- Vera Holland Fund $18,243

8. Amend FY 2025 budget $332,252 to account for the various school projects completed. The funds will be available in the school capital reserve fund to be used for future pay-go projects for Rockingham County Schools.

9. Increase Library budget $5,000 for grant award from the Reidsville Area Foundation. Funds will be used for book purchases.

10. Amend the FY 2024-2025 budget $104,685 for the new software subscription TitanHQ that meets the criteria of a recently implemented governmental accounting standard requiring certain software subscriptions to be capitalized as a Right to Use intangible asset and the corresponding liability to be reported.

D) Todd Hurst, Tax Administrator
1. Request the appointment of Karen Smith as Deputy Tax Collector 

2 Request the approval of Tax Collection and Reconciliation reports for July including refunds for July 17,2024 thru August 6, 2024.

E) Susan O. Washburn, Clerk to the Board
1. Regular Meeting minutes

2. 2025 Employee Holiday Schedule

F) Derek Southern, Assistant County Manager
Purchase of Timekeeping Software. The software will integrate with our current HRPY system as well as the upgrade being implemented in the future.

G) Carye E. Dickerson, DSS Director
Adoption of a proclamation proclaiming August 2024 as Child Support Enforcement Awareness Month in Rockingham County.


7. PRESENTATION: Ronnie Tate, Director of Engineering and Public Utilities
Request approval of a five-year extension to the current waste hauling franchise agreement with Waste Management. Extension agreement is provided.

8. OLD BUSINESS: Case 2024 – 12: Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning) – A Request to rezone a (+/-) 4.42-acre parcel of land from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Neighborhood Commercial Conditional District (NC-CD) – Conditional Rezoning Applicant: Jaime Wall, Owner and Executor – Tax Pin: 7921-02- 75-4770 – Location: 225 Farrar Store Rd., Stokesdale – New Bethel Township The Board of County Commissioners first reviewed this request June 17, 2024 and conducted a public hearing. After closing the public hearing, they decided to postpone deliberation of this item to August.
The ordinance included with this agenda item request is in Draft form and may be amended after Commissioners’ review.






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