August 14, 2023 Rockingham County Planning Board Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes
a. July 10, 2023
V. Review of Procedures for Legislative Hearings
VI. Matters Before the Planning Board
a. Rezoning Request 2023-13: A zoning change has been requested for the properties denoted by Tax PINs 7911-00-83-2949, 7911-00-74-7393, and 7911-00-84-5661. These are located at 1201 NC Highway 68 in the Huntsville Township. The request is to rezone a portion of Parcel -2949 from Light Industrial-Conditional District (LI-CD) to Highway Commercial-Conditional District (HC-CD) and Parcels -7393 and -5661 from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Light Industrial-Conditional District (LI-CD).
VIII. Other Business:
a. New Business:
b. Old Business:
IX. Adjourn