May 16, 2022 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting

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May 16, 2022 Rockingham County Commissioners Meeting

(Wentworth, NC) – Video of the May 16, 2022 meeting of the Rockingham County Board of Commissioners. The meeting was held at the Rockingham County Governmental Center in Wentworth, NC.





** RECOGNITION: Debra Crumpton – Baptist on Mission
Recognition of Baptist on Mission organization, God’s Pit Crew and Samaritan’s Purse who assisted with storm damage for over 40 families andone church. Recognition as well to the businesses and individuals who donated meals and snacks for the workers

4. RECOGNITION: Lance Metzler, County Manager
Recognition of Trey Wright, Public Health Director, and the Rockingham County Public Health Department for being awarded the 2021 North Carolina Public Health Association Dr. Sarah Taylor Morrow Health Department of the Year.

5. RECOGNITION: Mark McClintock, Tax Administrator
Recognition of Ashley F. Perkins, Rockingham County Tax Administration, for obtaining the professional designation of Personal Property Specialist (PPS) from the International Association of Assessing Officers.


7. CONSENT AGENDA (Consent items as follows will be adopted with a single motion, second and vote, unless a request for removal from the Consent Agenda is heard from a Commissioner)

A) Susan O. Washburn, Clerk to the Board Approval of Minutes – March 21,2022 and April 4, 2022 Regular Meeting Minutes

B) Pat Galloway, Director of Financial Services

1. Approval-Increase Public Health Department budget $1 ,000 for NCPHA Health Department of the Year award funds received from the NC Public Health Association.

2. Approval- Increase Sheriff Department budget $14,268 for the BJA Bullet Proof Grant 2021 that has been awarded. The grant amount is $5,400 and requires matching funds of $5,400 which are being met with the appropriation of Federal Forfeiture Reserve funds in the General Fund. In addition, $3,468 of Federal Forfeiture Reserve funds are being requested to cover the cost of concealable carriers, special threat plates, external carrier, patches and shipping/handling costs that are not covered by the grant. 12 units will be purchased.

3. Approval- Increase Fire Marshal budget $500.00 for donation received to purchase smoke detectors for community public education program.

4. Approval- Appropriate $79,000 of available fund balance in the general fund for the following:

• To cover increase in fuel costs in the Sheriffs and Animal Control Departments caused by rising fuel prices.

• To cover increase in vehicle repair costs incurred in the Sheriff Department due to limitation on new vehicle availability that is require the department to keep older vehicles on the road.

5. Approval – Designate and appropriate Unrestricted Fund Balance in the County Capital Reserve Fund for the Animal Shelter Generator Project. Due to increase in costs, additional funds need to be added to the originally approved project budget.

6. Approval – Re-allocate a portion ($304,214) of the FY 21-22 distribution of Article 46 Sales Tax from going directly to Rockingham Community College in order to begin accumulating funds needed for the annual debt service payment on the Workforce Development Center (WDC). Beginning May 2022, the County will withhold one-twelfth of the annual WDC debt service payment from the monthly Article 46 Sales Tax Distribution and transfer these funds to the County Debt Service Fund. The amount being amended at this time is derived from withholding $152,107 from the upcoming May and June distributions.

7. Approval – Increase Sheriff Department budget $300.00 for a donation received for the Sheriff’s Office K9 Program.

8. Approval – Increase the Animal Shelter budget $45,900 for a grant award from PETCO. The grant is comprised of $900 for 300 vaccines and $45,000 for improvements to the animal shelter including building repairs and adoption events.

9. Approval – Adopt the Resolution Authorizing Increase in Micro-Purchase Threshold. In August 2020, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) revised Uniform Guidance (2 C.F.R. Part 200) to allow for non-Federal entities to elect an increased micro-purchase threshold (level in which certain purchases with Federal funds can be made without informal quotes or formal bids). In order to raise the threshold for the County, the Board must formally adopt this new threshold and must self-certify this amount each fiscal year. This action will raise the micro-purchase threshold for certain purchases with Federal funds from $10,000 to $30,000 and to $50,000 for service contracts that are not subject to NC Laws.

C) Mark McClintock, Tax Administrator
1. Approval- Tax Collection and Reconciliation reports for April, including refunds for April 20, 2022 thru May 3, 2022.

2. Approval – Consider denying the ODT Equipment, LLC request for refund.

D) Anthony Crowder, Fire Marshal
Approval- Appointment of Steve Fowler as Fire Commissioner for Bethany Fire Department.

E) Lance Metzler, County Manager
Approval – Re-adoption for clarification from previous meeting – EMS Recruitment and Retention Bonus Policy was approved but not included in the Board’s packet. Additionally, attached is a budget transfer for this program.

F) Ben Curry, Rockingham County Code Enforcement
Approval – Enter into an interlocal agreement contract for Code Enforcement services for the Town of Stoneville. This agreement would turn over code enforcement cases for the Town to the County Community Development Department Code Enforcement Division. Cases would be screened by the Town before sending to the County. Further, the Town will pay the County a sum per case. The Code Enforcement Division will ensure that their case load does not reach an unmanageable amount so as to not detract from their County responsibilities.

G) Felissa Ferrell, Health and Human Services Director
Approval- A onetime LIEAP supplement payment will be generated for the LIEAP
and Pandemic LIEAP customers during FY 2021-2022. The total amount per the State report will be $878,150.00. In order to process these supplemental checks, it will require a budget revision of $475,000.00 to serve those households. This information was received April 26, 2022 and requires that all checks will need to be processed b May 31, 2022

H) Meggan Odell, Senior Director of Transit Services
Approval – The Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) members/appointees and the FY 2023 meeting schedule

I) Darren Poole, Workforce Board Chair
Approval – Reappointment of Vernon Gammon and Orlando Poteat to the Piedmont Triad Regional Workforce Development Board. Mr. Gammon’s term with the PTRWDB for Labor Organization will be 2022-2024 and Mr. Poteat’s term with the PTRWDB for Business will be 2022-2024.

J) Ronnie Tate, Director of Engineering and Public Utilities
Approval – Waive landfill tipping fee for disposal of inert debris, construction and demolition debris generated by the EF-1 tornado impact on Rockingham County residents on May 6, 2022. The free disposal would last until Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 12:00 pm



A) Case 2022-05-Zoning Amendment: Rezoning from Residential Agricultural (RA) to Light Industrial (LI)-South Rockingham Corporate Park, LLC-Tax PIN: 7921-01-39-5888 (two portions) and 7921-01-17-2668 (two portions)-Location: Sylvania Road and Boone Road-Huntsville Township

B) Case 2022-04-Zoning Amendment: Rezoning from Residential Agricultural (RA), Residential Protected (RP) and Light Industrial (L1) to Residential Protected Conditional District (RP-CD)-Allied Development/FEI Engineering-Tax PIN: 7921-02-59-4942 (two portions) and 7922-03-41-6285 Location: Friddle Rd & US 220-Huntsville & New Bethel Townships

C) Case 2202-06-Zoning Amendment: Rezoning from Residential Protected (RP) to Residential Agricultural (RA)-Robert Davila-Tax PIN: 7987-00-61-4622-Location: 144 Dee Dees Dr (Off Ashley Loop)-Wentworth Township




Pursuant to:
N.C.G.S. 143-318.11(a)(1) Approved Closed Session Minutes
N.C.G.S 143-318.11 (a)(5) Instruct Negotiating Agents.


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