August 9, 2022 Reidsville City Council Meeting

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August 9, 2022 Reidsville City Council Meeting


1. Call to Order.

2. Invocation by Elder Bernard Florence of Reidsville, now Pastor of St. Thomas Chapel Pentecostal Church, 633 Highway 150, Greensboro, NC.

3. Pledge of Allegiance.
4. Approval of Consent Agenda (Items Approved with One Motion).

(A) Approval of July 12, 2022 Monthly Meeting Minutes and the Open Session Minutes of the July 28, 2022 Special Meeting.

(B) Approval of a Resolution of Intent to close a Portion of an Undeveloped Right-of-Way of
Goodman Street, which calls for a public hearing to be held on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. (SC 2022-01)

(C) Approval of a Resolution of Intent to close an Undeveloped Alley Right-of-Way running
between Snead Street to Lindsey Street, which calls for the public hearing to be held on
September 13, 2022. (SC 2022-02)

(D) Approval of a Resolution Directing the Clerk to Investigate a petition Requesting Annexation of Approximately 5.042 Acres located off of Barnes Street and Flack Street and a Resolution Fixing the Date of the Public Hearing on September 13, 2022. The request to voluntarily annex this contiguous property is being made by the landowners Dennis M. Bracy and Patsy B. Bracy.

(E) Approval of 2021-2022 Audit Contract with Cherry Bekeart, LLP.

5. Public Hearings:

(A) Consideration of a Request to Rezone Rockingham County Tax Parcel Nos. 148846 and
148847 located off South Scales Street from Residential-20 R-20) to Highway Business
(HB). The request is being made by property owner Matthew Allen Hill. (Z 2022-05)
(Enclosure #1) – Jason Hardin, Planning & Community Development Manager

6. Industrial Park:

(A) Consideration of Signage and International Flags at Reidsville Industrial Park and Accompanying Budget Ordinance Amendment. (Enclosure #2) – Jeff Garstka, Economic
Development Director

7. Updates:

(A) Consideration of Contract Approval with Wetherill Engineering for Cypress Drive
Improvements and Accompanying Budget Ordinance Amendment. (Enclosure #3) – Summer
Woodard, City Manager

(B) Presentation on Proposed Splashpad Location and Design and Accompanying Budget
Ordinance Amendment. (Enclosure #4) – Summer Woodard, City Manager and Mary Bana
with Vortex

8. Policies:

(A) Consideration of American Rescue Plan-Related Policies and Accompanying Grant Project Ordinance Amendment for Streetscape and Splashpad Projects. (Enclosure #5) – Summer Woodard, City Manager

9. Budgetary Items:

(A) Consideration of an Allocation from the NC General Assembly’s Appropriations Act to
Purchase Police Cars and for Laster Lift Station Improvements and Accompanying Budget
Ordinance Amendment. (Enclosure #6) – Summer Woodard, City Manager

10. Public Comments.

11. City Manager’s Report.

(A) Month of August. (Enclosure #7)

12. Council Members’ Reports.

13. Adjourn.
