October 14, 2024 Rockingham County Planning Board Meeting

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October 14, 2024 Rockingham County Planning Board Meeting


I. Call to Order

II. Invocation

III. Adoption of the Agenda

IV. Approval of Minutes

a. September 9, 2024

V. Review of Procedures for Evidentiary Hearings

a. Special Use Permit 2024-22: HDR on behalf of Dominion Energy has requested a special use permit to install a Public Utility, Major – Gas Compressor Station on the property denoted by Rockingham County Tax PIN 8948-00-55-1726 located on the parcel of 595 Old US 29 HWY in the Ruffin Township.

VI. Review of Procedures for Public Hearings

a. Zoning Map Amendment 2024-23: a zoning map amendment has been requested for the property denoted by Rockingham County Tax PIN 7926-01-28-8455 located at 114 Will Rd (corner of Dan Valley Rd) in the Mayo Township. The request is to rezone the property from Residential Protected (RP) to Highway Commercial (HC).

VII. Other Business

a. New Business: Review and Adoption of 2025 Planning Board Meeting Schedule

b. Old Business: None

VIII. Adjourn
