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August 14, 2023 Rockingham County Board Of Education Meeting

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August 14, 2023 Rockingham County Board Of Education Meeting


1. Call to Order

1.01 Roll Call

2. Announcements

2.01 There is no work session scheduled in August

2.02 The next Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 11, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at Central Administrative Offices at 511 Harrington Highway, Eden, NC

3. Moment of Silence & Prayer

3.01 Moment of Silence in Memory of Albert Barber and Lonnie Nicholson

3.02 Youth Pastor Kevin Bedard, Osborne Baptist Church, Eden, NC

4. Pledge of Allegiance / Agenda Approval

4.01 Pledge of Allegiance

4.02 Need a motion to amend the agenda: Adding Item 9.3 Under Closed Session – Out of County Releases – Dr. Cindy Corcoran

4.03 Approval of Agenda

5. Public Comments / Board Comments

5.01 Public Comments – At this time the board will hear public comments

5.02 Board Comments

6. Consent Agenda

6.01 Consent Approval – Gifts, Grants and Donations – Ms. Annie Ellis

6.02 Consent Approval – Head Start Program Monthly Budget Update – Ms. Annie Ellis

6.03 Consent Approval – Adoption of Board Policies – Dr. Cindy Corcoran

6.04 Consent Approval – Grant of Easement From Western Rockingham Middle School to Piedmont Natural Gas – Ms. Erselle Young

6.05 Approval Consent Item – Renewal of Malwarebytes – Ms. Erselle Young and Mr. Tim Canady

6.06 Consent Approval – Bid Tabulations for School Nutrition Vendors for the 2023-2024 School Year – Dr. Leslie Coleman-Cassell

6.07 Consent Approval – Meeting Minutes for Board Approval – Open Session Board Minutes July 10, 2023 regular board meeting as presented.

7. Action Items

7.01 Approval – Instructional Materials and Resources for 2023-2024- Dr. Charles Perkins

7.02 Approval – New Gym Floor at South End Elementary School – Ms. Erselle Young

7.03 Approval – Nominations For NCSBA Board of Directors – Dr. Stover

8. Reports/Discussion Items

8.01 Superintendent’s Report (Leadership Retreat, Portrait of a Graduate and Preview of Board Retreat Agenda) – Dr. Stover

8.02 School Opening Report – Dr. Stover

8.03 Board Chair Announcements – Ms. Kimberly McMichael

9. Closed Session

10. Open Session

10.01 Personnel Report – Approval of Personnel Actions

11. Adjournment

11.01 Motion to adjourn
