Chaplain Embodies Living & Dying Well

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Hospice of Rockingham County News / Public Interest Feature Release • F. Collins, CLE

In April 2021, Rev. Marcia McQueen received a sobering diagnosis. Tests showed her out-of-the-blue, stroke-like symptoms to be the result of a brain tumor.

Most people receiving this diagnosis would have been completely overwhelmed and unsure of what next steps to take. That is where Marcia’s 30+-year career in healthcare chaplaincy gave her a tremendous advantage. She immediately put into practice what she has encouraged patients and families to do for decades: she started making plans.

“From one chaplain to another – HRC’s chaplain Hunter Thompson visiting with Marcia on Memorial Day” . . .Contributed Photo: Linda Todd Phelps

Marcia spent four years with Hospice of Rockingham County (HRC) as one of the chaplains & bereavement coordinators and another fourteen years as chaplain at Morehead Memorial Hospital (now UNC Rockingham Health Care). “I spent a large percentage of my hours and focus [as a hospital chaplain] on advance care planning, holding end-of-life family conferences, and attempting to help patients and families distinguish between life-prolonging measures and death-prolonging measures – because one becomes the other eventually,” said McQueen.

Some of her earliest planning saw her talking with her physicians. Her conversations typically began with Marcia stating, “I want to tell you some things …” In addition to making her thoughts and wishes known to her medical providers, she sought input as well. She talked with primary care physician, her oncologist, and HRC’s palliative providers, including Dr. Ken Karb and Dr. Jim Parsons. Marcia had worked with Drs. Karb & Parsons while a hospital chaplain and valued their input, especially since they are now medical director and associate medical director for HRC. “At several points, decisions need to be made and after weighing benefits and risks, you have to choose what will be most helpful to you in your illness and journey,” she said.

Marcia was very open to the knowledge that her tumor was likely incurable and life-limiting. She asked her medical team for guidance on when it was time to shift her focus. “I wanted to know when it was time to move from curative treatment to symptom control – to keep me comfortable and give me meaning in the days I have remaining.”

As part of her planning, Marcia enlisted the support of HRC’s newest service line: Serious Illness care (palliative care).  “Though I had worked for Hospice of Rockingham County years ago and was well aware of the good services they provide, I was pleased to learn they had added a palliative program – and this is available long before hospice services are appropriate.”

Months of care under Hospice of Rockingham County’s serious illness program allowed her providers to become aware of McQueen’s history and to hear her desires and plans for her end-of-life care. They knew of her advance directives and desire to eventually transition to hospice care.

Marcia’s planning has left no detail to chance. She established her healthcare and durable powers of attorney and her living will, spelling out her wishes related to her health care. She has even planned her funeral service down to the last detail, including who will officiate her service and what music will be played! Marcia continues to encourage people to share their thoughts and let family and friends know what a “meaningful death” looks like to them.

The return on investment for Marcia’s months of planning is peace of mind. While she is prepared, her plans have ensured friends and family are prepared as well. She has made sure the location of important documents is known to those who’ll handle her estate, and she has asked friends what personal items they might like to have. It gives her pleasure to know that “these things I’ve loved and cherished will still have meaning” after her death.

Since her diagnosis, there has been quality time spent with many members of her “tribe”, as she calls her family and friends. A few close friends from college days are fondly referred to as members of her “sista-hood”. Beach trips, day trips, parties at her Eden condo have made for lighter days. Marcia advised, “Look at what’s on your bucket list. Some things may have to be cancelled or downsized, but you can still plan things to anticipate to keep your spirits up!”

In late May 2022, Marcia experienced a severe increase in her symptoms and after consults with her medical providers – again bringing HRC’s medical staff into the conversations – decided to forego additional treatment. Essentially calling in her own hospice referral, Marcia transitioned from Serious Illness Care to hospice care on May 27th.

“Hospice care relieves family and friends from having to provide physical care and allows them to simply be family and friends – and they don’t have to help you with activities of daily living,” McQueen pointed out. Since being admitted to HRC’s Gibson House, Marcia has enjoyed a steady stream of tribe members dropping by to visit. “You can have a party at Gibson House just like you can at home,” Marcia said with a grin.

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